“You see,Lya,you’re in my way. You’re poisoning him, taking him from me, but it all will be over soon. He will be free from your whorish ways and realize it’s really me he needs.” I pick up the knife to my left, running my finger across the blade as I keep eye contact with her.
“Greyson? You want Greyson?” She shakes her head, still confused. You’d think someone so smart would figure it out by now, but I guess maybe she’s dumber than I thought. “You barely know him.”
Oh, but I know him better than she thinks. I know everything about him. The way he looks when he wakes up in the morning with his tousled hair and hazy eyes, the way he smells like fresh mint, the way his shirts tightly glide across his firm pecs when he laughs, how his eyes sparkle when the light hits them just right. I know his birthday, his favorite food, what makes him tick, what turns him on—everything. I know everything about him.
“I know him more than you think. I know him better than you. You will never be anything to him, just the trash he hasn’t taken out yet. He doesn’t even know who you are. How could he love someone like you?” I snicker as I lean forward, pressing the tip of the blade against the soft flesh of her neck. One quick swipe and she’d be bleeding all over the floor, but that’s too quick of a death for her. She has to suffer for trying to take him.
I will line cuts all over that perfect flesh of hers until she’s unrecognizable. She will look as ugly as she is on the inside. As ugly as her disloyal, undeserving heart. I want to hear her scream over and over again, thinking about how this is all her fault. Then I’ll go after everyone she loves. One by one, I will put them through agony, by torturing them for even being associated with this treacherous bitch.
I dig the blade further into her neck, causing a bead of blood to slowly trickle down her pale neck. She inhales deeply, but doesn’t struggle or fight. Which is a good choice, considering where my knife is right now, but it wouldn’t hurt me any if she fought back and sliced her own throat. She pretends she’s not scared, but I know. I know she’s panicking inside, trying to figure out if she should bargain with me or plead for her life.
I slowly remove the blade from her neck and bring it to my lips. I make sure she watches as I lick her coppery blood from the tip of the knife.
“Mmm, it tastes so sweet. Such a shame I have to kill you. Maybe in another life I could have been in your harem of men, but I like to stay loyal to those I’m fucking.” Honestly, in another life I would fuck her so hard the ridges of my cock would be etched into her. I bring the blade back to her skin, this time gently gliding it down her arm, careful not to cut her, but enough to let her know what’s to come. I want to bring her pain when she least expects it.
“What do you mean you know him better than me? How does he not know who I am? I’ve never lied to him,” she spits out. Her patience is slowly thinning and I can feel her anger rising.
“Oh, but you have been lying. He thinks you're someone you're not. You’re a fantasy to him, but he doesn’t know the real you.” I lean in close to her face, inhaling her cherry scent. Bile rises in my throat as thoughts of her hands on my sweet Greyson flood my mind. How could he want this slut and not me? “Just as you have your secrets, so does he. So many secrets.” Just as I utter the last word, I harshly glide the blade across her arm, creating a deep gash.
She screams out from the sudden pain. “What the fuck, Brandon?! You’re going to regret doing that.” She’s seething. Her chest rises up and down, getting angrier by the second. God, this feels so good. Her pain brings me so much pleasure. I want to see her pleading for her life as I drive the knife into her for the last time. I want to see the light fade from her eyes knowing that if she would have just stayed away, I wouldn’t have had to do this.
“What secrets are you talking about? How about you stop talking in fucking code like a jackass and just explain it if you’re going to kill me anyway!” Ahh, there she is. The master manipulator. I mean she has a point, I am going to kill her so it wouldn’t hurt telling her, but the thought of her dying in confusion not understanding why sounds more appealing.
“Those aren’t my secrets to tell. Even when I kill you, I’ll never give his secrets away. I know all of his deepest, darkest secrets and I still love him for it. You wouldn’t understand. If you knew his secrets you would leave him. You don’t care about him. You don’t love him like I do. All you care about is sucking his cock like a fucking whore!” My breathing becomes erratic, she’s getting to me.
She begins to chuckle. She fucking laughs in my face. “You think he will ever love you? How do you think he’s going to feel about you killing me? How could he ever look at you after that?” Her eyes are mischievous as she grins at me like a psychopath.
I pull my arm back and punch her square in the jaw. Her head snaps back quickly and I think I’ve knocked her out when her head comes back down to rest on her chest. Fuck, I need to get rid of her, but I want her to feel the pain she’s caused me. The pain she’s brought to Greyson’s life.
Trying to get myself under control, I think about all of the ways I’ve helped Greyson. I’ve protected him and loved him even when he was looking for someone else. No matter how much he thinks he doesn’t want me, I’ll never leave him. He’s mine. No one else can have him but me. I’ve tried so hard to keep him away from her. I’ve had to hide things from him, but it’s for his safety. I’ve put him on a certain path, made sure he stayed away from others. I let him get close to Lya, monitoring the situation, letting him think he was in control, but it’s been me the entire time and it’s me that will get to take it all away. If I didn’t let him have Lya, he would have left me. She was part of my plan the entire time, so that I could keep Greyson, even if it meant letting her put her disgusting hands on him.
Pulled from my thoughts, I hear, “You hit like a little bitch, Brandon.” She looks at me grinning like the evil spawn she is, with blood dripping down her chin from my punch.Who the hell is this girl?You’d think being tied up and told you’re going to be brutally murdered would make you think twice about taunting someone, but I guess not.
Feeling the anger boil in my veins, I crouch in front of her. My face is so close to hers that I can feel her warm breath on my neck. I line the blade over her thigh, slowly pressing the tip into her leg. Her glare taunts me to do it, taunts me to push the blade deeper. Her eyes look hollow, like she’s in another world, but they refuse to show weakness.
Giving her what she’s begging for, I slowly press the blade deeper and deeper into her thigh. I twist it back and forth, making sure to mess her leg up even more. Her body tenses, but she refuses to scream in pain. I can see the pain etched across her face as her jaw clenches tighter, but she just takes it. After pushing the blade in at least three inches, I abruptly pull it out with a twist.
“You’re going to pay for that,” she growls. Before I have time to realize what she’s doing, she arches her head back then rams it forward, connecting to mine as my nose cracks under the force. Pain radiates through my face as I stumble back trying to catch myself before my ass hits the ground.
That’s it, I’m done playing nice with this crazy bitch.
He thinks that I’ve given smart remarks for the past ten minutes because I’m stupid, but I’ve been strategically distracting him with my mouth so I can maneuver my hands behind my back. I slid my ass a little toward the front of the chair every time he took his eyes off of me. I had to get in a position where I could grab the knife out of my waistband.
Once I got it out, I was able to slowly cut my ropes without him noticing. I had to provoke him in order to get him close enough to headbutt him. It hurt like a bitch, especially considering he’s already hit me in the head three times tonight, but I couldn’t risk him getting the jump on me if he’d seen that my hands were free.
Brandon scrambles to his feet. “You’re going to regret that, bitch!” He lunges at me with his knife, but I’m ready for him this time. He swipes at my neck, but I duck out of the way before he can cut me. I launch out of the chair, throwing all my body weight at him while he’s still unstable on his feet, and knocking him on his back. I’m glad Zep forced me to learn how to defend myself. If he hadn’t, there’s no doubt that I would be dead right now.
I’m able to pin his hands to the floor above his head. Knocking the knife free, I grab it off of the floor. My hands squeeze the handle of my knife as I raise it above my head. Brandon’s eyes widen in horror as he realizes what I’m about to do.
“Bet you regret taking thiswhorenow.” I scream out a battle cry as I sink the knife into Brandon’s stomach. “You didn’t take into account when setting up your little plan that one of my boyfriends is an expert in fighting and weapons. He trained me to protect myself against scum like you,” I lean over and whisper in his face.
He grunts and sputters out as I twist the knife. “And that was for Tara, you dickhead,” I spit in his face.
Blood. There’s so much blood. At this point, I’m not sure which is mine or his.
Brandon’s body goes still beneath me and his eyes slowly close. Just as I start to climb off of him, his arm reaches out, grabbing my wrist as his other hand comes flying at my face. I’m able to dodge his fist, but he catches a hold of my hair, yanking it, making me yelp from the pain.