“Yeah, baby girl, but you know we like to play knights when it comes to you. You need to stay here so we don’t have to put on all our armor to protect you,” he sighs as he rubs his thumb across my cheek.
He’s not going to back down from this, he’s too stubborn. So I’m going to have to let him think he’s won. “Okay, but I have my car here. I could just go home and wait for you. “
Rian growls at that suggestion. “That fucker has gotten through our security at home before so no, you aren’t going home without us.”
“Fine,” I huff, trying to make it believable. “I’ll wait here for you to get back.” I definitely won’t.
“Good, baby girl. No sneaky business, okay?” Rian asks, as he leans down to look into my eyes. I mask the lie I just told and the one I’m about to tell. “Okay.”
“Good. I love you, baby girl. We’ll make this up to you tonight... with our tongues.” Rian winks, then kisses me passionately before he heads out of my office.
My core clenches at the thought of any of my guys’ faces between my thighs.Stop thinking with your pussy, Lya. Save that for later. You have business to do now. Follow the guys.
I shake the sexual thoughts from my head. After waiting long enough for Rian to leave, I head out of my office and to the elevator. The guys have always been protective of me. When we first started dating they all made me share my location with each of them. I didn’t let them off that easy—if they wanted mine, then they had to share theirs with me too. It’s perfect for situations like this.
I take out my phone and pull up Rian’s location on my screen. Sorry boys, but you can’t keep me away. They thought they could just hide something that might help find my sister?
Hell no. I’m coming to check it out for myself.
I’m jolted from my thoughts as the heavy elevator doors slide open. My feet automatically take me toward my car without my attention drifting from my phone. A sinister feeling washes over me, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It feels like someone is watching me. Their presence surrounds me, suffocating me with paranoia, letting me know I’m not alone. My eyes dart around, searching for someone, but they come up short. Picking up my pace to the car, I have to convince myself it’s not real.You’re just being paranoid Lya, everything is fine.
The underground garage is eerily quiet. The only sound comes from the clicking of my heels against the cold concrete. My deep blue Audi R8 sits alone in a sea of emptiness since everyone has already left for the day.
Fishing for my keys at the bottom of my purse, all I can think about is how I should’ve pulled them out before I left my office. If I’d done that, then I could’ve quickly gotten into my car and locked out this uncanny sensation I’m feeling right now.
Relief fills my body as soon as I find my keys. Quickly pressing the unlock button, the switch of the locks echo through the garage as I make my way around to the driver side door.
The moment I reach for the door handle, a blur in the corner of my eye catches my attention. A figure comes toward me in the reflection of the car, but it’s too fuzzy to see who it is. The person in the reflection is larger though, making me sure it’s a man behind me.
Before I have a chance to react, it’s already too late. A crushing blow lands on the side of my head, causing me to stumble against my car and my phone to go crashing to the ground. What this person doesn’t realize is that I’m not down for the count yet, and I fight back like I’ve been trained to do.
Straightening my body against the car, I take a deep breath before lunging at my attacker. His face is covered, with a black ski mask concealing his identity. He grunts loudly as I fight him, but his voice is undecipherable.Who are you?
His large, strong hands grip my upper arms, stopping me from getting any closer to him. One hand leaves my bicep, delivering another blow. I try to take a swing at my attacker with my free arm, but he’s quicker than me. He slams his fist into my temple, slinging my head back. The pressure radiating through my skull lets me know there’s already a knot forming where he hit me.That’s going to hurt like a bitch tomorrow...If there is a tomorrow.
This time the blackness comes and there’s no way to stop it. With no more strength left in me, my body crashes down onto the solid ground, no longer able to fight back. A tear falls from my eye and lands on the cold, hard concrete beneath me. This feels like the end. Like I’m never going to see the only people in this world who love me again.
All because I was selfish and couldn’t stay away from Greyson Nash. That’s all I think about as the black and blue spots blurring my vision become total blackness.
Zep. Thiago. Rian. Greyson. Tara.Lainey.
* * *
I’m jostledawake by a sudden movement.Where am I?My hands are tied by rope behind my back, but I can’t tell where I am. I take a deep breath, trying to assess what I can see around me. It’s pitch black, condensed, and stuffy. I hear swooshing sounds like cars passing and the strong scent of gasoline hits my nose.
Whoever this is has me in their trunk. My breathing becomes uneven as I try to come up with a plan to get out of here. My anxiety is blocking any kind of rational thought I could be having at the moment. Zep would be disappointed in me for not thinking clearly under pressure right now.
I frantically move my arms, trying to get free from my restraints. The rope just digs deeper into my skin the more I move. I have to keep trying though so I keep moving. My arms run across something at my back. Zep. Thank God for Zep and his crazy training and hidden weapon ideas. When I get out of here, I’m going to let him fuck me so hard in every room of the house for those genius ideas.
Zep engineered my clothing to where I would have a weapon on me at all times. I have a small knife hidden in the waistband of my pencil skirt right now. If I could just get to it, then I could cut these ropes. I reach and reach for it, but I keep coming up short because of my predicament. There’s no way I’m getting the knife out while I’m lying awkwardly in this small trunk.
While I’m trying to think of a new plan, the car comes to a stop and shuts off. Okay this is it, Lya. I hear my abductor slam the car door and walk around the back of the car. As soon as the trunk opens, I kick wildly with my free legs. My feet hit a solid body, but I can’t see who it is because my eyes still haven’t adjusted to the bright light of the sky.
“You bitch!” A gravelly voice rings in my ear. I go in for another kick at this fucker, but my legs are stopped in mid-air this time. Shit. Strong arms hold me down as I try to get my eyes to adjust. My head pounds, adding to the pressure behind my eyes.