“I know Kingston and I told you that Vyper flew us to safety the day I fell from the hill, but that is only half true.” I paused, giving her time to process, and instantly regretted it.

Evie’s nostrils flared in anger, her gentle features hardening before my eyes. “Explain. Yourself.”

Oh shit. “When I fell and Kingston couldn’t grip my hand in time to pull me up, I thought that was it for me. I thought I was going to die, but I suddenly found myself in his grip. The Demon Dragon dove for me and caught me before I could hit the ground.”

My words were calm and careful, as though I was dealing with the four-headed beast, because I had a feeling that she was going to turn into one, and kill me for hiding that from her.

“Once he saved me, he flew us into his lair and deposited me there.”

“What did he do next?” her voice was filled with intrigue, pushing some of the anger away.

“Nothing. He just watched me from the darkness as though he was expecting me to do something. But I have no idea what.” A heavy breath left me, and I rubbed my face with both hands. “Kingston arrived shortly after, and Vyper flew us both out of there.” My thoughts returned to Tharion, and concern gripped my chest until it became difficult to breathe. “Do you think he survived the fight?”

“I don’t know,” Evie answered as the anger left her, replaced by sadness. She nestled into my chest, silently calling for my arms to wrap around her. “When theland ridersgot there, they found nothing but the scattered goats and cows who got scared by the altercation. There were signs of struggle on the land, and spilled blood among the grass, but nothing else. They left swiftly, bringing with them the animals we had chosen for milking. No one has seen him arrive.”

Sighing, I cradled her cheek, and lifted her chin until our lips met. I needed Evie to erase the unease lingering inside me from everything that happened, and by the anxious way she gave into me when I loved her that night, I knew she needed me too.

* * *

“You are not going anywhere,” I whispered against her ear when she tried to shimmy out of my arms, eliciting a grin out of her. My lips caressed her naked shoulder, leaving kisses on their way to her neck, until I grazed the skin on the sensitive curve with my teeth.

Squealing, she slipped out of my embrace and stood, scurrying towards the fireplace. Yanking the sheets away, I sat up, fully intent on chasing her, but the way the light from the flames danced over her breasts and thighs hypnotized me, making me harden again. I silently wondered if this hunger to make love to her day and night would ever be quenched.

I didn’t want it to.

My steps took me to her, but before I could capture her in my arms and kiss her, she turned to face me, holding something in her hands. “I wanted to give you this, but I was waiting for the right moment.”

Before my gaze could fall to her hands, I made sure to kiss her deeply, becausepriorities. My fingers slipped eagerly into her flowing golden hair, and I let myself enjoy the way she melted against me. There was no high in the world like feeling Evie this way.

When the kiss ended, I accepted the large cloth wrapped present from her. Excitement rushed through me when I saw the elongated shape, thinking it was a retractable spear, but as I unwrapped the cloth my breath stilled in my chest.

A sword so striking that it should have been in the Smithsonian was inside. It seemed crafted by the most skillful swordsmith, and as the dancing flames illuminated it, its golden hilt gleamed beautifully, just like my ring.

Gripping the hilt, I lifted it, noticing how thick but refined the blade was. I knew next to nothing about swords, but it felt much lighter than I expected, and perfectly balanced in my grasp. As I slowly sliced the air with it, a slight bell-like sound echoed in the room. As though it was singing.

Perhaps, I had just found my Excalibur.

“Did someone make this for me?” I asked, in utter awe, feeling it hum against my grip—the sensation rushing through my body somehow. My fingers traced the Dragon wings’ detail along the hilt. Two of them curled down towards the blade while two more served as the handguard.

Evie’s hand rested on my chest, calling my attention back to her, and I lowered the sword, not wanting to accidentally hurt her.

Emotion shone in her eyes, but she smiled at me.

“No… It was your father’s.”