Warmth returned to the mountain the next morning as Kingston and I climbed the never-ending staircase to the honeycombs. The change in weather in this place reminded me slightly of San Francisco, and the sudden heat waves we sometimes got. However, here they were cold waves apparently, because for the most part they enjoyed a tropical weather kind of vibe.

Kingston’s gaze sent another sly glance at my dad’s sword, which today hung from the belt on my pants. I’d told him Evie came to give it to me last night before going to sleep, and we had met by the stairs—like she advised me to say when asked—but avoided any other details at all costs.

Something told me he was not convinced. At the same time, it seemed like the sight of it troubled him more than how I had received it. Still, he assured me Asher would teach me how to use it without cutting off my own head.

The blade seemed as sharp as a Dragon’s claw.

Deciding not to brush the subject again, I followed him until we arrived at the top level.

“Hey, Athina,” I greeted the moment she peeked out of her cave, lifting my arms to caress her jaw. She almost purred with my touch, but when she noticed Kingston’s presence, her eyes watched him keenly, as though he was not supposed to be there.

The conversation with Evie when she found out I had visited the lairs returned to me, and I glanced back at the giant to see him scowling.

“He means no intrusion or disrespect. He’s just accompanying me.”

Athina sent him one more glance but then nodded, accepting my justification.

Leaving her cave, I began to make my way towards Vyper’s lair, patting and stroking every Dragon who came out to greet me on the way, like I was some kind of rockstar. I had to admit it, my place was among them. There was no explanation or reason for why I felt this way, not yet at least, but it couldn’t be ignored.

Their energy fed me, made me feel truly alive, and stronger than I had ever felt before because of my illness—my thoughts halted the moment I entered Vyper’s lair, reaching for his jaw.

Blinking, I remembered every time I had been there, when they had healed me, and I whirled around to glance at Kingston. “It’s them, Chief!” I whispered, stunned. “It’s coming from them.”

“What are you talking about? What is?”

“My vigor,” I answered. “Their presence, their energy, this connection we somehow share is feeding me. The Dragons are making me strong.”

Kingston blinked too, not denying it or confirming it. He just observed me silently for several moments, and motioned for me to continue my interaction with those majestic creatures. I obeyed. After greeting Vyper and Draco, who wanted extra love that morning, I walked deeper into the cave to reach Luna.

A strong ache engulfed my left arm and my right thigh abruptly. The burning of what felt like slashes spreading along my skin, but my back went ramrod straight with a new sensation. Someone was watching me. No. Someone was calling to me, and the muscles of my core tightened with grief. Closing my eyes, I willed my mind and heart to calm, trying to pinpoint the source...

“I hear you. I’ll be right there…”

Whirling around, I hurried out of the cave, running past Kingston without explanation.

“Where are you going?!” he called, running after me, but my feet moved faster than my mind could process.

“He’s hurt!” I shouted, heading straight for the dark cave on the other side, and seeing the flaming eyes flickering in the distance.

“Braxton, stop!” Kingston yelled back. “Don’t go in there!” he warned, desperately trying to catch up with me, but I wasn’t able to stop.

Tharion needed me.

When I rushed into the cave, I found flaming eyes flickering in the shadows. He was weak. I could feel it. Without another thought other than to help him, I stepped inside the darkness, looking for him.

“Braxton!” Kingston shouted from outside. “Don’t go in there, it’s a trap!”

He was too late. I was already deep within the lair, and with the overwhelming feelings capturing my being, I couldn’t bring myself to leave.

A vicious roar suddenly erupted from the shadows, causing air to slap against my body and push me a few feet back. Embers began to spark along the space, dancing around me until what seemed like rows of flaming red lava surged from above. They illuminated the entire cave, finally giving me a full view of the magnificent creature.

The Demon Dragon rose to his full height before me.

“Firelava” throbbed between his scales, along the sides of his neck and the top of his chest. It glowed along the natural contours on the horn on his head too, and dropped towards his spine, extending all the way to the tip of his tail. I froze when he reared back, roaring once more, until I realized we were not alone in the lair.

Glancing back, I saw Kingston making his way to me, spear in hand. “Get out before he attacks, Braxton. Listen to me!” The worry consumed his words, but I wasn’t afraid.