Megan hoped everything was okay at the shop, and all she wanted to do now was fire off text after text to get the scoop, but Vanessa said she’d explain later, aaaand…the tone of her text was breezy and light, suggesting no problems at all. Maybe Vanessa was one of those people who preferred actually talking about certain things rather than wearing out their thumbs texting about them. So, Megan forced herself to be patient. She checked the clock on the wall above her TV. It was just past 3:15.

Post work, Megan had decided to spend some time catching up on some reading, but she had also hoped to drive down to the seawall later and take a long walk before heading back and preparing for her tryst with Vanessa. But that was when she figured she wouldn’t be meeting Vanessa until after eight o’clock. But now that the timeline was compressed, she decided to scrap the seawall plans. Instead, she’d just take a walk around her neighborhood, and she’d leave now.

After using her iPad to view Lotus Garden’s menu and then texting Egg foo young with shrimp, pretty please to Vanessa, she went upstairs to change. Catching sight of herself in the full-length mirror in her bedroom, Megan once again thought it was a shame that her co-workers never got to see her work outfits anymore. Today, she felt she looked particularly cute in the blue pencil skirt and cream-colored blouse with bell sleeves she had chosen. Turning this way and that in front of the mirror, Megan made a mental note to wear this skirt around Vanessa one day. It hugged her in all the right places and Vanessa seemed to have a thing about her legs. It certainly hadn’t escaped her notice how much time Vanessa licking, kissing and nibbling them up and down.

Vanessa also seemed to have a thing about her breasts, Megan considered. Anytime they had sex it certainly seemed as if Vanessa couldn’t get enough of them. And Vanessa had even called them perfect at one point! Megan herself had always been a little self-conscious about her breasts, always wishing they were larger than B-cups. But Vanessa…she certainly didn’t seem to mind their size, and quite frankly, Megan didn’t know what to make of that.

Don’t make anything of it! Just enjoy it for what it is, damn!

Megan sighed. She really had to get past these insecurities of hers. Less than forty-eight hours ago, she had had sex with a heart-stoppingly beautiful woman who was, by all accounts, totally into her. In other words, Megan chastised herself, she had nothing to complain about.

No sooner had she swapped the skirt and blouse for a pair of black leggings and white racerback sport top than Molly called. Megan answered it as she trotted downstairs.

“Hey, Molls.”

What was this about now?

“Hey, what are you doing?”

“Leaving my place to go for a walk. Yes, I still believe in gay rights. Yes, I still believe in a woman’s right to choose. Yes, I believe Black lives matter. How are things in the seventeenth-century? Have our parents burned any witches lately?” Megan opened the front door, stepped outside, locked the door and began walking along one of the pedestrian paths which meandered through her condo community.

“God, you can just chill?” Molly said.

“Why are you calling? And don’t tell me it’s because you missed talking to your sister.”

She heard Molly clear her throat.

“Um…I actually am calling on behalf of Mom,” Molly said.

“A-ha!” Megan exulted.

“But it’s not what you think!” Molly replied. “I’m calling as her ambassador.”

“What are you talking about?

“Your birthday, dum-dum.”

Birthday? Oh, shit, that’s right…

In all the excitement of the past several days: meeting Vanessa, Carole’s funeral, unbelievable sex with Vanessa, dreams about Vanessa, more unbelievable sex with Vanessa, just plain Vanessa, Megan had forgotten all about her impending birthday, which was in…

Fuck! Ten days!

“What about it?” Megan asked.

“Marcano’s?” Molly said, as if answering the dumbest question in the world. “Mom wants to know if we’re doing it again? Apparently, they’re open and Mom wants to make reservations, but she was too afraid to ask you herself because she figures you’re still pissed about the lesbians in the park.”

“Correction, Molls. I had no problem with the lesbians in the park because I’m a decent human being.”

Not to mention a lesbian myself.

“What I had a problem with was Mom’s reaction to the lesbians in the park.”

She heard Molly sigh.

“You know what I meant,” her sister said.