“Plan B is you only work five days a week, but we close on Sundays and Mondays.”

“No!” Chloë said, and the force of the statement surprised Vanessa. “I won’t let the shop be closed two days. I know you said this was only temporary but I’m worried we’ll lose too much money by being closed like that.”

Vanessa felt her heart warm. From the beginning, even before La Vida Mocha’s grand opening, she had noticed how enthusiastic, committed to and even protective her friend was about the place, traits which only seemed to intensify once the shop was open for business. What’s more, it had been Chloë, not Luli, who had shown a genuine interest in learning about the business of running a coffeeshop, asking Vanessa tons of questions about even the most mundane aspects of the operation.

Vanessa reached across the table and took Chloë’s hands in her own.

“Sweetie, I need you to be sure, and be honest,” she said, making eye contact with Chloë.

“I am being honest,” Chloë insisted. “I honestly don’t mind coming in six days temporarily, especially when most of those days are half-days. I just want the shop to be okay.”

Vanessa felt a lump in her throat and she took a deep breath to hold some tears at bay. She squeezed Chloë’s hands.

“Okay. Thank you,” she said.

“So, how long were you thinking?”

“I’ve decided I’m going to wait at least three weeks, then we’ll revisit it.”

Chloë released Vanessa’s hands and then leaned back in her seat, the very picture of casualness.

“Pfft! I can do three weeks of this standing on my head.”

Vanessa laughed and then leaned forward, resting her arms on the table.

“Hey, listen,” she started, “have you ever considered taking any business courses, maybe at the community college?” Vanessa hoped she wasn’t sounding parental. She was sure that Chloë probably heard enough about her somewhat unmoored lifestyle from her folks at home.

“I actually have lately,” Chloë said, almost as if she was embarrassed by the confession. “Do you think it’s a good idea?” Chloë asked.

“Sure! You seem interested in learning how this place runs.”

Vanessa saw Chloë’s lips quirk upwards in a small smile.

“I am interested. I might want to have my own place one day. So, yeah, I guess I can look into it some more.”

“You should! Besides, all of those beautiful older women you want to seduce will be impressed.”

Chloë blushed.

“Shut up,” she said with a smile.

“Anyway, do me a favor,” Vanessa said, standing up, back to boss mode. “Use my laptop and print up signs showing our new hours. Make three of them; one for the door, one for the window, and we’ll tape the third to the serving counter. While you do that, I’ll handle getting the first batch of coffee brewing.”

Chapter 22

Megan stared at the text message, confused.

Dinner at 6? it read, from Vanessa.

But La Vida Mocha was open until seven, Megan knew. She decided to have some fun with her reply.

You totally don’t have to close La Vida Mocha early just to have dinner with little ol’ me!

The reply came thirty seconds later.

LOL! Actually, LVM has been closed since 10. Will explain later. BTW I usually order from Lotus Garden. The menu is online. Tell me what you want and I will order it. Here is my address…

Since 10!