It had been a long time since anyone intrigued her the way Charlotte had. Alex’s empty stomach fluttered at the memory of the first time they’d met.

Charlotte was beautiful and competent, but the fire in her sapphire eyes had been the truly unforgettable part of the interview. Charlotte had the job before she’d left the property, and Alex was sure she knew it too.

Alex had easily interviewed hundreds of people over the years for various positions. The passion that oozed from Charlotte was rare. Her references couldn’t have spoken more highly of her. She was obviously an asset to the business. Was it greedy to think she could be even more than that?

It had been nearly three years since Alex dated anyone, and that had been set up for failure at inception. Leticia had her own complicated life and business in São Paulo. A life she couldn’t easily replicate in the States. When Alex wasn’t willing to give up her life either, there was nothing for them to do but part.

The fact that it had been so amicable was the most painful. No anger. No resentment. Just two tearful women coming to terms with the fact they couldn’t fold into each other and that both needed more from their partners than monthly visits. It had been devastating. Alex had been sure she’d found a partner in life and for her business, something she’d wanted for a long time. But it hadn’t worked out like she planned.

Since then, no one had stirred anything in Alex. Not until Charlotte. Wasn’t that worth exploring? At worst it wouldn’t work out and she’d need a new accountant again.

At best she might find the perfect someone to share her life and business. Both of them . . . She didn’t let herself think that far ahead. They still barely knew each other. There was a myriad of possible obstacles ahead. The significant age di erence between them was only the most glaring.

Alex was nearly at her gate when she noticed her neighbor Greg struggling to back his horse trailer onto his property.

Instead of driving on, she pulled over onto the gravel shoulder o to the side of the road.

Dressed in the heels and suit she’d worn to the Junior League’s annual luncheon, Alex stepped out of her Range Rover and walked through the dirt toward Greg.

“Need a hand?” she shouted at Greg, who was leading his glossy, black Andalusian out of the trailer.

“I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me today,” he shouted back. “Can’t get the damned thing in the drive!”

“I got you. Go get Lucille squared away. No need to stress her out.” Alex was already moving toward the running truck.

Greg was a stubborn old man who wouldn’t ask her for help, but if she foisted it on him, he’d accept it with minimal complaint.

Grumbling as he led his horse toward the stable, Alex jumped into the truck and pulled it all the way out of the drive. At the angle he had attempted to back it in, he’d never have succeeded. The realization made her stomach tense.

He’d lived there for over twenty years. He should’ve been able to back his truck in with his eyes closed.

As Alex drove the truck and trailer backwards down the bumpy gravel drive, she made a mental note to check on Greg more than just once a week.


ON MONDAY MORNING, Charlotte strode into work convinced she was utterly invincible. She’d spent an hour blow drying and straightening her hair, and that was after Frania talked her into painting her nails red the night before. In a navy-blue dress and bright yellow pumps, she was ready for the date she never actually dreamed would happen.

High on her good mood, Charlotte traipsed down the waterfall walkway toward Alex’s closed o ce door. From the glow on the frosted glass, she was pretty sure the light was on. Her idea would work best if Alex wasn’t in yet, but the door was unlocked.

She knocked before trying the door.

“Come in,” Alex called after a beat.

Damn it.

“Hey, I—” Charlotte stopped short when she realized Alex was on the phone.

While still talking to the person on the line, Alex waved her forward. As Charlotte approached, she covered the receiver and mouthed, “I’ll be a few minutes.”

“Don’t worry. I just brought you some co ee,” she whispered, depositing the paper cup on her desk. “I’ll see you tonight.” She made a point to knock the brown cardboard sleeve with her hand, causing it to drop just before turning around.

Putting on her full rockstar cool kid mode, she didn’t look back at Alex even though the curiosity was killing her. Would she see the address and time she’d written on the cup? It was a chance she’d have to take if she wanted Alex to watch her walk away. She satisfied herself with imagining the smirk on Alex’s full lips.

When Charlotte stepped into her o ce, she didn’t expect to find Stephanie standing behind her desk.

“Can I help you with something?” Charlotte snapped, disconcerted by the woman lurking around her space.

Unbothered by Charlotte’s presence, Stephanie pressed a few buttons on the keyboard and clicked the mouse. “No thank you. I helped myself,” she replied before sauntering out from behind her desk.