If she wasn’t so shocked, Charlotte would have been furious. “Why are you in my o ce?”

Stephanie didn’t stop her advance toward the door, but she slowed. “Funny,” she said looking back, her face devoid of any amusement. “I don’t recall you having bought anything in here.” Her eyes darted to the computer and back at Charlotte. “Is there something you don’t want me to see?”

Instead of pushing back, Charlotte realized that Alex must have told her about their dating. Was she flexing on her to prove a point? She forced herself to play nice. It wouldn’t help to argue with Stephanie.

“I’m happy to show you whatever you want to see. I don’t have any secrets.” She didn’t consider it a lie. She didn’t have any secrets Stephanie was going to find by snooping in her o ce.

Stephanie glanced at her from top to bottom. “That remains to be seen.”

Charlotte forced a smile and reassured herself that Stephanie was only in there because she was protective of Alex. There was no need to get rattled or upset. “Feel free to drop by anytime.”

Already halfway out the door, Stephanie didn’t look back again. She didn’t say another word either. When she was gone, Charlotte closed her door and checked her o ce. Apart from a desk drawer being slightly ajar, nothing was out of place. Convincing herself that there was nothing incriminating for Stephanie to find, she set to work.

After lunch, Charlotte spent nearly two hours on the phone with Alex’s lawyer. It wasn’t nearly as awkward as she expected, but he’d been thorough and warned her about the risks of the personal en

gagement. She hadn’t let herself think about the strangeness of it, or worse, that all the legal precautions in the world wouldn’t protect Alex from her real problem: criminal liability.

All day Charlotte waited for Alex to acknowledge the note on the co ee cup, but when it was nearly time to leave and she hadn’t heard anything, she took the initiative and texted the personal number she’d never used before.

Charlotte : It’s not polite to leave a lady waiting for confirmation.

While she waited for Alex’s response, Charlotte held her breath. Was it too pushy? Too presumptuous to text her? It couldn’t be more intimate than the kiss they’d shared.

Charlotte’s mind wandered back to the weekend. It had almost felt like a dream. With the spa back to normal with no sign of the party, could she have conjured it all in her head?

Wistfulness curdled into mild panic. She couldn’t have imagined it, right? Charlotte touched her lips. If she strained, she could almost feel the weight of Alex’s mouth on hers.

Her phone vibrating against the table knocked her out of her trance. She snatched it without hesitation.

Alexandra: Texting during work hours?

Smirking, she picked up the phone. She should’ve guessed this was going to be Alex’s flirting style. It was e ective, sending a rush of adrenaline coursing through her body.

Charlotte: Linda doesn’t mind. Or did you already forget she’s my new boss? I didn’t take you for having a bad memory. Unless perhaps you changed your mind about being in charge…

While she waited for Alex’s reply, Charlotte could hardly manage a full inhale. Was Alex in her o ce sitting at the edge of her seat clutching her phone too? Charlotte doubted it. She imagined Alex leaning back in her big leather chair, her face expressionless. The prospect of cracking that stoicism made Charlotte’s heart pound harder.

Alexandra: Do I come across like I struggle to maintain control, Charlotte?

The use of her name in such a pointed question made Charlotte’s head spin. She wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of meeting with an attorney if she wasn’t interested... was

she playing a game? Maybe trying to cast o the formality created by the upfront safeguards? Charlotte took a gamble.

Charlotte: Powerful women love control. Almost as much as they love to be relieved of it for a while.

This time, Alex texted back immediately. A satisfying development.

Alexandra: I didn’t know you were so versed in ... powerful women.

Charlotte: There’s so much you don’t know about me yet.

Chat bubbles appeared and disappeared while Charlotte’s pulse dipped and jumped in turn. She’d meant to be flirty, but her tone was frustratingly absent from the text.

Alexandra: Are you sure you want me to discover you over tacos?

The thought of Alex discovering her sent a rush of blood pulsing through her veins. Images of being undressed and ravished sprang to mind, but Charlotte did her best to maintain focus.

Charlotte: Too low brow for you?