“I guess we better walk through now,” Taylor said. “Even if the guy

makes me feel like I have bugs crawling under my clothes.”

“I know what you mean.”

“Balls are only good for one thing,” Taylor said, surprising the heck out

of Christina. “For use in self-defence maneuvers.”

“Also, for repopulating the species.”

“Which is better done out of a petri dish in a lab, if you ask me.”

Taylor didn’t offer clarification on that. She turned and walked through

the open door that Christina just had time to gape at her back. It wasn’t

possible that Taylor wasn’t into guys, was it? Just because she made

disparaging comments about an obvious arsewipe who eyed up her chest

instead of offering her a decent greeting, didn’t mean that she was a lesbian.

It could mean anything. That she didn’t like getting hit on. That she found it

tiresome and annoying, especially when she was trying to conduct business

and wanted to be taken seriously, despite being beautiful. It could mean that

she’d had a rough ride in the past where men were concerned and was on a

break from the male species.

The building turned out as rough on the inside as it was on the outside,

but Christina could definitely see possibilities. A few walls here and there,

new flooring, and some tasteful furniture could go a long way. The structure

seemed sound and the improvements to the building, with a few crews

working at the same time, wouldn’t take very long.

It was impossible to tell what Taylor was thinking. She kept her distance

from Mega Creepy Realtor Dude and kept her expression guard

ed. At the

end of the walkthrough, she did thank the guy and promise to call if they

were interested. It didn’t seem like Taylor would ever call, and the realtor

clearly wanted to cut his losses and get to his next appointment. He got in

his car and ripped out of the gravel parking lot, spraying both cars with dust

and bits of gravel.