caress over her face. She was so beautiful that Christina momentarily forgot
about anything else.
“I didn’t think you’d show,” Taylor said, breaking through Christina’s
stupor. Taylor crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the car.
“Yeah. Um— why— wouldn’t I?” Christina wasn’t used to feeling
flustered. She never stammered over anything.
“I don’t know. I thought you’d just look it up online and call it a day. I
imagine you have more important things to do.”
Christina was trying to think of a way to break it to Taylor that as of the
moment this was her most important project since she was the one heading
it out of their office, but she was interrupted by the arrival of a sleek black
sedan. A man wearing a black suit got out. He ran a hand over his slicked
back hair, gave both women a glaringly obvious once over, and offered a
cheesy grin.
“Hi.” He offered his hand to Christina first. “Sam Wellback. You must
be Taylor.”
“No.” Christina didn’t shake the hand. “Actually, she’s Taylor.”
Sam Wellback, obviously the realtor and no less creepy than Charles I
Crash My Work Computer From Watching Raunchy Porn In My Spare And
Not So Spare Time, spun and looked straight at Taylor’s chest.
Sam forgot about the handshake. He pasted on a greasy smile and
strolled confidently up to the front door to make up for his faux paus.
Taylor shot a look at Christina that was basically an eye roll without being
an eye roll. Christina did roll her eyes, but she smiled too. An unexpected
spark of warmth shot through her. It felt like they were sharing a secret.
Passing notes behind a teacher’s back or something. Not that Christina had
ever done that. She’d been sent to boarding school— her brothers also
went, but to a private, all boy’s school— after her mom had passed away.
She’d always behaved herself there. While some girls loved to get into
trouble, that wasn’t her.