stuck with it. It was a lot of planning and a ton of work, but it had totally

been worth it. Christina was relieved too though, that all the hectic planning

was over.

The wedding was wonderful. Her dad had really come around in the

three years that she and Taylor had been together. He adored Chloe ever

since the day he met her. It was like, overnight, her dad softened and he

remembered what it was to be a family. Christina’s brothers were both now

involved with her dad’s company and maybe that took some of the pressure

and stress off him.

Christina never really had thought that her dad could be either of

those things. Pressured or stressed. He seemed to live for his work, but in

the past few years, he was quite different. He’d even taken a step back to

the point where in a few more years, Christina thought that he’d hand

control over to her brothers completely.

She was glad that her dad’s business would stay in the family. Her

brothers were now both dating wonderful women as well, and Christina

actually thought that her wedding wouldn’t be the only one that the family

would celebrate in New York in the next year or two.

Christina’s own business was thriving. She loved going into work each

day. She loved that she was her own boss, finally, and that she truly got to

make a difference, however small, each and every day. Taylor support

ed her

right from the start. Christina wasn’t certain she could have done it on her

own, but with Taylor behind her, it made the whole crazy first year easier to

get through.

Taylor was a natural at running a business, even with no formal

education. It was wonderful to see how popular her business had grown.

Everyone in Austin talked about ‘the place where you could go and pet

dogs and cats and chill.’ Maybe not exactly in those words, but word of

mouth was huge and people did talk. The buzz on social media had been