fantastic. Three years after the place opened, it was still booked up solid

just about every single day. The amazing part? Over five hundred animals

had found their forever families. In three years!

After six months of dating, Taylor and Chloe moved in with Christina.

Chloe had settled in permanently in Austin, but they still went back to the

farm every other weekend. They both thought it was important for Chloe,

and they both loved Taylor’s parents. The farm would always be a special

place for them.

“What are you thinking about?” Taylor ran her hand over Christina’s

stomach. She flattened her palm there, over their growing child.

“I was thinking that your parents, my dad, my brothers, are going to be

crazy excited to hear that we’re welcoming a new addition. Well, mostly I

was thinking about everything that we’ve been doing these past couple of

years, how happy I am, how I couldn’t have dreamed of being here, but

now that I am, I’m so freaking glad.”

Taylor’s whole face glowed with love. She grinned. “Were you thinking

about the farm? Whenever I think about him or her, that’s what I think.

How I can’t wait to show and teach them everything.”

Christina nodded. “Chloe will be a big part of that.”

Chloe knew all about the In-vitro. They’d been very open about

including her in the discussion. They’d asked her if she would consider

being a big sister and Chloe was ecstatic. Adriana and Juliana had

welcomed a baby boy two years earlier. Joseph was a great big brother, and

Chloe had been a little bit jealous of his role. She was so excited when

Christina and Taylor had asked her what she thought about adding to their


Christina shifted, wrapping her arms around Taylor. She held her close,

breathing in the sweet smell of her skin and hair, cherishing her solid


“Should we get changed and go explore the beach?”