just saying that you don’t have to ghost me or avoid me. You don’t have to

worry about it being awkward at work or me talking about us there or doing

anything that wouldn’t be appropriate. I understand that you have enough

scandal at your workplace right now. What I am saying is that if we could

leave our options open and move slowly, I’d really appreciate it.”

Christina had to pull her hand away, but she made it seem like she was

reaching into her bag for something. Really, she just couldn’t stand to be

connected to Taylor physically when she told her what she needed to say.

“I’ve never really dated anyone before.”

Taylor nearly knocked her cup over. It bounced out of her hand on the

way to her mouth, but she caught it midair. “What? Like, you’ve never been

in a relationship?”

“No. Not really.”

Taylor set her cup down hard before she could have any more mishaps

with it. She searched Christina’s face, but waited patiently. Christina never

really talked about her family, so the urge to do it now completely surprised


“I— okay.” Christina tried to get her thoughts into some sort of order,

but all that remained in her brain was chaos. “When I was younger, things

were different. My dad was always busy with work, but my mom was at

home with us. My older brother, me, and my younger brother. We all went

to public school before— before my mom got sick. She was diagnosed with

cancer when I was nine and it was extremely aggressive. They didn’t even

consider treatment. I literally got pulled out of school for eight months. So

did my brothers. It’s the only time I can remember my dad leaving his

company in anyone else’s hands. He loved my mom a lot. We travelled all

over the place while she still had time. We spent all those days together. I

think they were the best, but probably also the saddest days of my entire


“Jesus,” Taylor gasped. “I’m sorry.”