she meant. Or she was, but she wasn’t sure she truly wanted that, even if

she should. It wasn’t like she could turn off her body’s reaction, dial down

the chemistry, or hit the rewind and delete buttons on the night before. She

wouldn’t do that, even if she could. She’d never felt so connected with

anyone before. It might not have been like the token romantic scenes from a

movie, but that’s what made it special.

How did that translate into real life? Into working together? Into

having to interact with each other and maintain a professional attitude?

Then there was Chloe. Christina still couldn’t believe that she’d bonded so

easily with a child when she generally had no interest in children. What did

that mean? Christina realized that she was just trapping herself in a cycle of

endless questions that she really shouldn’t be thinking about when she was

at work.

She got out her phone and decided to make some follow up calls just to

confirm scheduling and to check where the shelters and rescues were at.

Taylor hadn’t talked to her about an open date yet, but that would largely be

determined by when the building was set to finish, when the lawyer was

done with the paperwork, and the shelters could get their dogs and cats


Christina’s office phone rang. She hadn’t turned it off, since no one

knew she was there. With her door closed, everyone probably just assumed

that she was still gone. She picked it up when she saw Glenda’s number. Of

course Glenda knew she was there. Christina had waved to her on her way

into the office.

“Hello,” Glenda said cheerfully. “Just wanted to say you have a visitor.”

“A visitor?” Christina didn’t get visitors.

“Yeah. Her name’s Taylor?”

Shit! Taylor is here? “Uh— okay. I’ll be right out.”

Christina hung up, trying not to panic. If Taylor was there instead of at

her building, what did that mean? Did she realize that Christina was trying