going into work and having to see Taylor. What if everyone found out that
they were romantically involved? Christina would rather keep her private
life private.
They hadn’t discussed any of that the night before. Obviously.
Christina downed the rest of her juice. She felt like going for a run to
clear her mind, but she’d been sitting there for so long she didn’t have time.
She did realize that she had more than one workplace at the moment. She
was done with her calls and she’d finished up the brochures and flyers
yesterday before taking Chloe home with her. Apparently, Taylor had some
kind of childcare lined up for Chloe. There was nothing that Christina really
needed to be there for.
Once Christina made the decision to go to her regular office, she
showered and got herself ready. The building was strangely uninviting
when she walked in the door, and she wondered why that was. Nothing
looked any different. Just because Michelle cleared Christina’s meetings off
the board for the week didn’t mean she didn’t have things she could do.
Unfortunately, since no one really knew she was there, and with no
meetings booked and no new files coming in to work on, Christina was
finished with everything there by early afternoon. She took out her tablet
and worked on the flyer and brochure designs, just touching up a few bits
here and there. They were just mock-ups anyway. The hard opening date
would have to be added once it was decided on.
Christina hated having free time. She always had something to do. Most
of the time, there weren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done
that she wanted to. She was used to moving at a fast, efficient pace. Free
time just gave her time to think about the reason she’d come to the office in
the first place.
To clear her mind. By clear, that meant think about all the reasons she
could fix what happened. By fix, she meant somehow make it so that
r /> everything could go back to normal, but by normal, she wasn’t sure what