my hair. She knows what she wants, but then, maybe what she

wants has been unleashed and that explains her passionate


Her tongue licks at the seam of my lips. Sweet.

Dominant. Possessive. I part them to let her in. To let her take

control. To lead me in this chance meeting that I never


I know that I should stop and take a breath. Probably

both literally and metaphorically.

I don’t know what I’m doing. This kiss is the kind of

kiss that you don’t forget. It’s the kind of kiss that you don’t

exactly come back from. This kiss could break down my walls

or it could just plain break me. I should be wary. I should be

cautious. I’ve gone into things blindly before and that hasn’t

ended well. My last relationship left me hurting, aching, cut

wide open. I don’t want to go back to that when I just put

myself back together and got on with my life.

There are questions I should ask. Things that we

should talk about.

But I want this. I want everything Steph is doing to me.

Her hand sweeps under the hem of my shirt. I squirm

against her, setting my hands at her shoulders and tugging her

even closer. I stroke her tongue with mine. I don’t think I’ve

ever kissed anyone like this before. I don’t think I’ve ever had

anyone kiss me this way either. Steph is a natural leader. She’s

not demanding. She’s gentle and patient, but somehow all fire

as well.

There’s something to be said for natural connection

and an amazing match of chemistry, and I know that we have

both. I knew it instinctually, somehow, from the second we