met. My body was telling me something, but I didn’t want to

listen because I knew it would just be torture. I knew it would

be a temptation that would only cause me pain, because I had

no idea that Steph was available.

Now that I do know, it’s a whole different kind of

torture. I know that I should hold back. I know that I shouldn’t

want to strip off our clothes and taste Steph’s skin. I shouldn’t

want to look at her and touch her and learn every bit of her

body. Maybe I should want it, but I shouldn’t do it. We hardly

know each other. I don’t want her to think that I’m, well, easy.

“We shouldn’t…” I hate myself for whispering it

against Steph’s lips. Because I want this. Badly. I want her.

Even worse.

“Why not?” she whispers back, her lips just a breath

from my own. I can still feel the heat of them, the gentle

whisper of her words. My stomach cramps again and I shiver. I

push instinctively towards that warmth. Towards the hand

splayed over my belly under my shirt.

“I just…this is fast…”

“It’s just a kiss,” she says softly. Not coaxing. Not

begging. Just soft.

I want her lips on mine again. I want her body under

mine. On top of mine. To the side. Every freaking direction.

“It’s more than that for me.”

“It’s more than that for me too.”

“I’m scared.”

“Of me?”

Yes. No. I’m scared that what happened before will

happen again. I’m scared that all these feelings will turn into

something deeper and then I’ll be left alone. Again.