Chapter 1


I’m running late for one of the most important meetings of my

life, and I have my six-year-old niece in tow. What else could

go wrong?

Don’t jinx it.

Right. My life is already incredibly screwed. I was

made to understand that I was being given this client to work

with because everyone else was already overloaded. I was also

made to understand that my last six clients all failed to find

lasting matches. One gave the company a seriously negative

review that my boss had to beg and plead to get removed from

social media sites. One asked for her fees back, and the other

four tried the company’s services again. Not with me. With

one of my co-workers. Out of those four, three declared

themselves to be undyingly happy, or some cheesy, romantic

version of it.

“Where are we going again, Auntie?”

I haul Matilda out of her booster seat. I did a terrible

parking job when I hurriedly stopped the car in the one open

spot on the whole street, and the car door almost scrapes over

the sidewalk. I wince. Tildy laughs at my sour face.

“To the coffee shop. I have an important meeting with

a lady that I couldn’t reschedule.”

“Why don’t you have meetings in an office?”

“Well, we do. Sometimes. But some people don’t like

that. Some people think that’s impersonal. And I want to make

a good impression because if I don’t, my butt is going to get