What the fuck is this shit?
Windsor can’t possibly have the authority to demand we put our lives on the line. Looking around the auditorium, all I see ismoney. If it’s a payout he wants, surely with the combined wealth of our families, he’d get it. So why go to this extent?
Ben leans in close, one hand gripping my upper arm for stability as whatever drug he’s been injected with courses through him. He lowers his voice, words slightly slurred. “We need to find a way out of here.”
I don’t respond as we join with the funnel of students walking down a dimly lit hallway lined with closed doors, following orders to clean up before locating our dormitories. Because the truth is—I don’t agree. My body hums with excitement at what’s to come. I was built for a place like this, a school designed to test our limits as humans. Finally, I’ll be able to exert my anger, and it will further me instead of holding me back. Violence is welcomed here in this Bitterwood Prep. Oakwood could suck my fucking dick.
This place?
Here, I’ll thrive.
Those fucks placing wagers should bet all their money on me. I won’t fail. I won’t falter. I’ll survive this damned school of horrors and remain one of the elite. And I don’t care who I have to lead to slaughter in order to succeed. For once, my fury will aid me instead of hold me back. Finally, brawn might outweigh wit to advance me further.
I’m so amped I could battle right now, even as I’m still licking my wounds clean from the race to Bitterwood. For the most part, I’m unscathed, a few cuts here and there—a shard of glass causing a deep cut in my upper arm—but other than that, I’m ready to go. Besides, I don’t mind the pain. At times, pain was all I had to get me by. Pain numbs my other senses, makes me forget the potent loss that still has my heart in its agonizing grasp.
Pain is fuel to a person like me. Sometimes it’s the only thing grounding me, the only tool left in my arsenal to help me survive when I feel like giving up. Often, I feel as though the entire world is against me, as if the ground from under my feet might open me up and swallow me whole.
Ben smacks my arm, and I jerk out of his grasp. “What?”
He narrows his eyes. “Didn’t you hear a fucking word I said?”
Even my best friend doesn’t know how much I suffer, how much I miss my mom. I feign nonchalance. “I don’t listen to bullshit, Ben. You should know that already.”
He opens his mouth to speak but shuts it quickly as we begin to climb a wide set of stairs. The smell of us all together in this cramped space is nauseating. The pungent scent of ass in here tells me more than one of the students shit themselves as they fought for their lives. People’s clothes are in different states of disrepair. Many are covered in blood, weeping gashes along their bodies as well as being caked in layers of drying muck.
Like Ben, many have lost their tops and shorts. In fact, there is a gorgeous ass bouncing up a few stairs in front of me, her grass-stained panties sunken between her cheeks. My fingers itch to touch her, to lay a hard spank right on her bare ass and watch it jiggle from the force.Soon, I think to myself. A man has needs, and without Stella here to fulfill them, I’ll need to find another set of holes to come in—but nobody wants a dirty pussy, so I’ll wait until the right moment to wet my dick. She’ll either give herself to me freely, or struggle while I take what I want.
I don’t really care either way because both situations make my dick hard.
Grim-faced guards wearing combat pants, Kevlar vests, and black hats stand at attention with assault rifles as they usher us into a large round room lined with blue and white tiles. The dome-shaped ceiling houses bright, fluorescent lights that burn my eyes, especially when emerging from the dark hallway leading up to it. Around the perimeter are dozens of showerheads but there are no doors—no stalls—just open showers.
A tall girl with long hair caked in mud crosses her arms and turns to the nearest guard, gesturing to the shower stalls in anger. “You can’t possibly expect us all to shower here together!”
Her English accent stirs my dick as a female guard steps forward. “Actually, we can. Principal Windsor ordered us to use whatever means necessary to ensure you clean yourselves before you’re put to bed.” The guard edges closer, reaching out and tugging on a lock of the girl's hair. “Now, if I were you, I’d strip down and wash up before something bad happens.”
The girl raises her chin defiantly. “If you think I’m going to get naked in front of all these—” But her words are cut off as the guard takes aim and fires a taser right at the girl’s chest.
It imbeds right over her heart and the sound of electricity zapping through the girl’s body rings with her cries as she falls to the ground, shaking in pain. The guard lands a boot against the girl’s side before ceasing her assault. Bending down, grabbing a fistful of the girl’s dirty hair, the guard yells loud enough for all of us to hear. “Disobey me again and find out what happens. Next time it won’t be so easy.”
By now, all the students have lined the sides of the bathroom, giving this altercation their full attention. The guard tosses the girl's head to the ground then walks to the nearest shower, switching on the water. “Get up. Crawl if you have to, but so help me God I will see your ass naked under this shower in the next ten seconds or you’ll find yourself locked in solitary confinement until morning—and trust me when I tell you, it’smuchworse than it sounds. Ten. Nine. Eight.”
I know what’s happening here. The guard is making Windsor’s expectations clear, using this girl’s disobedience as an example. Her sobs grow louder, and my cock grows harder as I watch the girl’s lithe form attempt to crawl across the floor despite the shock her body just took. “Six. Five. Four,” the guard shouts, and the girl cowers.
With her back facing us, she grips the hem of her tattered pajamas before lifting them over her head. The shower pours down her, leaving her in a puddle of dirty water. Her shoulders shake as she reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra. Her nipples pucker against the frigid temperature of the room—and I assume the water. No fucking way Principal Cocksucker is giving ushotshowers, but fuck me if this isn’t turning me on way more than it should. Finally, with a shaky hand, the girl drops the useless undergarment and hugs herself.
“Three more seconds. Two. One.”
As she finishes counting the guard reaches for her belt and unclips a baton. She swats the girl on the ass. “Not fast enough—I told you to fucking strip!” The guard hits her again and the girl cries out, rising to her knees while tugging her dirty panties down over her ass.
The older woman smiles maliciously, lifting the girl's chin with the end of her baton. “Now we’re getting somewhere. It’s time to get your ass clean. Stand and wash yourself while we all watch as punishment for mouthing off.”
Holy shit, I can’t believe this is happening. This is shit straight out of a porno, and I have a front row seat. I adjust my cock, my eyes wide, staring at the naked girl as she stands and grabs a few pumps of shampoo from the built-in bottles hanging from the wall. Her quiet cries echo as she reaches up to scrub her hair, suds cascading down her back as shivers wrack her body.
The oversized bathroom grows thick with a heady scent and breathy gasps as we all watch the poor girl grab a loofa and scrub her skin under the harsh gaze of the armed guard. Forgotten are our injuries as desire and shock from seeing a naked woman forced to bathe numbs our pain.