“Time to rinse off,” the guard barks. “Spin to face your fellow classmates. I want you to feel their eyes on your nakedness while the water rinses away what remains of your humanity.”

The girl hiccups on a choked sob but when the guard cracks the baton hard against the tile, she whirls around to follow orders. A few girls inhale sharply, hands cupped over their mouths, while the guys unconsciously edge closer. The poor, helpless girl’s lips are down-turned, her eyes cast to the floor as she finishes scrubbing her hair. Her small A-cup breasts are on display, the tiny nipples pointed from the cold water beading down her frame. I trail my gaze down her body to the dark patch of hair, neatly trimmed just above her slit.

So many things flit through my mind—nasty things I’d like to do to her—if the tables were turned, and I was wearing a guard’s uniform.

The guard steps forward, slapping the baton into her open hand. “Let this serve as a warning to all of you. Defy me or any of the other guards, and there will be a price to pay. Here you are no longer people controlling your own lives. You are puppets—playthings for Principal Windsor and the folks in The Gallery paying good money to see you suffer. From now on, you don’t get a choice. Your lives were forfeit the moment you blindly signed the contracts presented to you back in California. Now, you are ours. Understand? So get to the showers—all of you. Once you're clean, one of us will inspect you, and if we find you’ve met our standard, you will be issued towels and fresh sleeping clothes.”

A male guard moves in next to the female guard, a menacing grin on his face. “And as a side note, if any of you fail to get your own bodies clean, then we will be forced to wash you ourselves.” He casts a heated glance at the nearest girl who quickly turns pale.

Their threats don’t bother me because this is an order I’m happy to follow. I work hard on my body, proud of my physique and the size of my cock. So I have no problem with stripping down. I step forward, moving to the nearest shower, stripping off my clothes and turning the water on. Unlike the girl used to teach us a lesson, I’m not bashful. Even with the cold water dripping down my body, my cock is half-hard, bobbing as I turn to face the students and guards.

I see a few hungry stares cast my way as well as a few envious ones. One look at me and you know I’m probably the hottest guy here—even my muscles have muscles—and my dick is long and thick, exactly the right size to satisfy every girl that I’ve ever blessed with it inside of them.

Scanning the students, the tall girl long forgotten, I see Ben move a few stalls down from me, his steps still unsure while feeling the effects of whatever was injected into him. Grabbing the soap and my own loofah, I shift my eyes from girl to girl until I find the one I’m most excited to see stripped.

I don’t know the little lassie’s name—and even if she told me I wouldn’t remember it—but fuck do I remember the soft curls of her blond hair, the narrow waist, and the perky tits hidden yet still accentuated under the smart outfit she wore during orientation. I remember how hot my hand was when I caught her from falling, how smooth her leg was when I trailed my finger along her skin, and the breathy gasp it pulled from her lips.A noise I’d like to hear again.

I finally find her huddled with a group of girls who cast nervous glances from the showers to the guards. When a large guard whose chest is practically bursting from his vest pulls out his baton and whispers a threat to the girls, they quickly disperse, moving towards vacant stalls. Like she can feel my stare, she turns her gorgeous face towards me, full lips parted. Lifting one arm, I beckon her forward, gesturing towards the empty stall next to me. She shakes her head and glances around the bathroom, only to realize she’s the only one left to take the space.

And she’s fucked.

I let a victorious smile split my face as I run my hand over my cock, giving it a few pumps while I blatantly stare at the little lass. She swallows and licks her lips hesitantly, but tumbles forward when a guard pushes her hard between the shoulder blades. “Looks like this one needs help washing,” a vile guard with bright red hair growls, gripping the back of the lass’ stained and shredded shirt.

She twists from his grip, swinging an elbow behind her back, connecting with his jaw. The guard falls to his knees as she rises and turns to face up. “Back the fuck up, Carrot Top! Don’t youdaretouch me again!”

With a ferocity in her gaze that stirs something deep inside me, she walks to the stall next to me, fingers moving down the buttons barely holding her silky pajama top together. Such a fire in her eyes, a desire to prove herself...It makes me want to force her to her knees and defile every inch of her.

I turn towards her, letting the shower water run down my body. “Of all the girls in here, I wanted to see you naked the most.”

She blinks up at me, bright eyes flashing. “Interesting, since you are the one I wanted to see least.”

I can’t help the laugh that explodes from my mouth. “Ohh. Feisty are we?”

She turns away and drags her shorts down her legs. “Of course you’d confuse irritation with something completely unrelated.”

“I don’t care if you’re irritated. It will be hard to complain when you’re gagging on my dick.”

The little lass rolls her eyes as pained shouts ring out. A skinny, dark haired boy quakes on the ground with taser strings poking from his stomach. “Not fast enough!” a guard shouts at him.

Her eyes widen and she reaches behind her back, fumbling with the clasps of her bra. I step in behind her, my dick pressed against her ass, the top of her head hitting me mid chest. She stills as I run my hands down her arms. “Allow me to help with that. I hear they can be quite pesky at times.”

With a quick snap, her bra unclasps, and I feel a slight tremble in her body as it falls to the ground. Whatever emotion she was feeling, she quickly swallows it down. I can almost feel her resolve hardening.This girl is going to be hard to break, but that will make it so much sweeter when she does.I drag my hand to her front, tracing her slit with one finger, her body unresponsive. As I firmly tug her panties between those lower lips, she stomps on my foot and pushes me away.

I hobble back as she turns to face me, anger melting away as my desire flares. I run my eyes down her body, my breath catching at her form… as if her face wasn’t pretty enough. My eyes land on her perfect C-cup breasts with plump, pink nipples, and my mouth waters, wanting to taste them. Her thin waist leads to toned legs. She rolls her hips seductively and pulls off her panties, baring her smooth pussy lips.

Fuck, the things I want to do to this girl.

Bad things.

Unmentionable things.

My need for her grows with every fucking second as she stares right back, rubbing soap along her tits, cupping her pussy while I watch. Little doll knows exactly what she’s doing as my cock hardens painfully, and it pisses me off.

I make an obvious show of looking her up and down. “As much as I wanted to see you naked, I find I’m disappointed. You look better with your clothes on and your mouth shut.”

She scrubs her hair, suds dripping seductively down her body, enhancing her every curve. “I don’t give a fuck what you think. You see, I’ve known men like you my whole life. You think demeaning me is going to make me want you. Well, newsflash, motherfucker—I don’t.”

My hands clench into fists. “Watch your mouth, lassie.”