“Hey, where’s the spirit and fight you had for the messenger?” I remind her.

“Ava, I know why my brother is . . . the way he is.”

Friggen cop-out. “You want to live with your brother, right? Not carry out a life sentence for a crime you haven’t committed, right?”

“Well, yes,” she mumbles.

Kieran snorts. “When it pertains to my wee sister, you act as if I’ve played judge and bloodyfeckingexecutioner. I’m not sure how they do things where you come from, Ava.My clan is my life.”

“You don’t get to throw stones because I have difficulty sharing. I applaud you for—”

“Don’t,” he snarls. “She’smylittle sister!”

“Oye,we’ve initiated a shouting match? My turn. Keeping Kiera hidden is not normal, Kieran!”

“Again, you’re new to the clan, Ava.” His response is slightly subdued, though it doesn’t lack the sharp edge.

“This entirescenario, Kier,” I soften my approach while locking gazes with him. The look in my eye reflects that I include his taking me against my will in the debate.

“Ava, he has to,” Kiera whispers.

A flat demeanor descends around him. When he opens his eyes, he stares at the ceiling, gaze dark and lethal and somehow filled with defeat. A plethora of regret surrounds him. Then Kieran’s snarling at his sister. “Do you hold me personally responsible for Da’s death, sister?”

Mind spinning, I glance at the two siblings. I thought their biggest issue was his paranoia.

Lips trembling, Kiera nods, covers her mouth with flyaway fingers, and runs out of the room. My skin itches as Kieran glares at me. His mouth twitches, animosity tempering the muscles in his jaw.

The beast hastily snatches the black slip of silk from the back pocket of his pants. My heart bottoms out. This demented asshole has so many shades my mind reels. I remind myself that the man who took me plans to force elation down my throat and make me forget the horror of all the yesterdays before him. Kieran has his sins. I square my shoulders ready to take my punishment because I’ve got sins too.



Mam still doesn’t run hergubor condemn my past while Ava’s around. We’ve returned to my room, and I took all my aggression out on Ava’s lovely body. My index finger follows the wee crimson line along Ava’s throat. My other arm snakes around her soft naked body, pulling her possessively close.

“Let me go, Kier.”

I grab her cheeks, puckering her mouth like a fish. “You clapped yourarsecheeks back against my cock, sweetheart. You loved it.”

“Yeah, well, it’s asphyxia-induced delirium, not good-dick delirium.”

My abdomen drags against her slender stomach as I laugh. “I like that. Albeit you’re fighting me tooth and nail. I’m amused.Try me.”

“Did you kill your father?”

I press her into the bed. My groin grounds against her buttocks, quickly going from half-mast to a raging hard-on.

“Forgive me, Ava. I assumed there were a couple of topics we non-verbally agreed not to broach. Is now a suitable time to discuss your ex-husband?”

“Take off my restraints. We can really have a chat about Adnan.” Pressing her face to the side, she pulls in air.

“That’s another challenge, I take it?” I grip the tie connecting her wrists to her ankles and growl. “You’re not in the position to physically fight me, Ava. Maybe that mouth has gotten away from you one too manyfeckingtimes.”

Eyes darting like a caged animal’s, she mentally assesses her next retort. When she doesn’t debate me, I lift Ava onto herarse.

Our silent war goes something like this. She could thank me for picking her up, but the newscaster would have to report there’s a blizzard in hell.

Shoulders squared, Ava asks, “You’re a drug dealer?”