For all intents and purposes, aye, I’m in the business of making money. Drug trafficking’s as good a way as any to do it. I pause, calculating how to respond. My little bird and I are bound for life, so I consider her disdain. I did the unthinkable by stealing her from her life because I knew one day it would be a forgiven sin.

I hunker down with an affronted demeanor. “Why come to such a ghastly conclusion?”

A couple of beats later, Ava answers, “Because. You have this very, very luxurious home and a private plane.”

I feel a tiny prickle of guilt for redirecting my lie with an irrelevant response. “The plane’s my Uncle Ewans.”

“That’s beside the point, Kieran. All the trappings of success, and with your violent tendencies, I should’ve seen it coming!” Lifting her shoulders, Ava tugs the bindings. “This crap was a twisted, lovely distraction for a while. Now, it’s not. I’d like to go, Kieran.Home.As inLos Angeles.”

There’s a sharp bite in Ava’s tone that radiates stronger than any of the curses. Something about her ability to stop fighting dirty and regard me directly hurts more than the threats.Shite, more than her attempts to flee in the night.

I shake my head. “No. This. Is. Home.”

“Oye!I promise on my parents’ graves that you don’t have to worry that I’m suicidal, Kier. It’s about to get very motherfuckin’ homicidal in here.”

Eyes sparking with mischief, I ask, “You’re threatening me?”

I give an ounce of slack, removing my hand from the binding that’s tied the whole contraption together. Ava wriggles beneath me. Palm cupping her sugary pussy lips, I warn, “Mind your manners, Ava.”

“Manners, my ass! I’ll die fighting you, Kieran, if you’re a drug dealer.”

I weigh my options.

Reply honestly that one of my clan’s biggest moneymakers is cocaine. Or deceive the woman I’m eternally bound to.

I let her up, using my fingertips to run the line over the veins in my forearms. “Does this answer your question?”Kieran, youfeckingliar.

Through clenched teeth, Ava hisses, “You don’t have to use your own product.”

“True. Most do, though.” I settle back on myarse. “I’m an arms dealer and dabble in antiques and paintings on the black market at times, too.”

The biggest tears fall down her cheeks as she asks, “How can I trust you?”

“You have to, little bird.” I run the backs of my hands over Ava’s cheeks. “Why though, lassie? Tell me why out of all theshiteyou’ve been privy to, all I’ve donetoyou,” I stop to gulp, “this is your breaking point?”

“I’ve been rather accommodating of your dark desires, but there’s a line that if you cross, you’re dead to me. Ihatedrugs. The thought of any narcotics makes me sick to my stomach. End of discussion.”

“No, we’re not done yet,” I reply softly. “Suffice to say, we’re past the point of you dodging my questions. And because a beautiful, fierce woman like you, I’d take it, killing should tug the same emotions.”

“I’m not just emotional, Kieran.” She rubs away the tears, smiling. “A compliment about my beauty and a threat on my life?”

I tilt my head in thought. A slow, wicked smile spreads over my lips. “With your indecisiveness, Ava, you created a monster.”

“Humph, doubtful.”

I undo the straps fastening Ava. While her body arches, I grab the bottle of scotch from the silver cart near the door.

Ava’s wrapped a blanket around herself. I gesture. She audibly huffs but has the good sense to crawl out of bed.

“You can keep the blanket, Ava.”

The closest thing to appreciation softly edges the sides of her lips as she wraps the duvet around herself. I open the doors to the balcony.

“No . . . it’s cold.” Ava rounds onto the heels of her bare feet.

“Cool air’ll help you feel a little better, lassie.” I draw a finger over her shoulder where the blanket has slipped off. Enclosing Ava into my arms, we walk out.

Night illuminates her delicate facial profile.