Page 14 of A Medium Fate

“Maybe a little, but it’s great.” My phone buzzed with a text. “And look who just showed up. Can you let Nic in? I guess there will be three for lunch.”

Harry watched as Bubba hurried to the front door. “That man’s a keeper. You’re lucky.”

I stared at Harry’s softly disappearing form. “Bubba is my bodyguard, not my boyfriend.”

He hovered over the shrimp and grits, taking an exaggerated sniff. Then he looked at me before he disappeared. “Does he know that?”

“Hey, sis,” Nic stopped a few feet away from the table. “Wow. I came over to see if you needed lunch, but I guess that’s already been handled. Were you hungry?”

I stood and gave Nic a hug. “I’ll have you know that I didn’t order this feast. Bubba was kind enough to order for us.”

Nic held up his hand. “Way to go, bro.”

The men did their bonding slap and I sat back down. “Harry was here for a bit but I didn’t ask him about Matty. He looked so happy about the food, I didn’t have the heart to bring it up.”

“You can ask him next time.” Nic sat at the table and grabbed a plate. “Speaking of our late antique dealer, I’ve got us an appointment to go through the house tomorrow at 8:00 AM. The judge wants this part of the discussion done and over with so he can schedule a meeting with the creditors. Apparently, the ex-wife is pushing for a speedy will reading.”

“Annamae knows her.” I took the red fish dish and put some on my plate with the sauce. Then I grabbed the rice and beans. “She’s not her favorite person.”

Nic chuckled. “I’ve heard that from a lot of people. Anyway, will you have the list ready?”

“If I have to stay here all night, I’ll have the list done.” I took a bite and groaned in pleasure. There was nothing like the seasonings they used here in New Orleans. I could have almost the same meal delivered in Seattle, but it would have either been served with no sauce and limited spices to highlight the fish or with an Asian flare. Every place had their own mix of what food should taste like. And this, this was like being home. I broke open a roll and took a bite without butter. It was sweet and fresh and before I knew it, the roll was gone.

Nic looked up from his plate. “Eddie, I thought you’d be closer to being done. What have you been doing all day?”

“One, it’s only lunch time. And two, we have new locks and a lead on a security system upgrade. I know the alarm system Matty set up is still active, but I’d feel better about hiring my own company.” I reached for the jambalaya. “Besides, I was kidding. We should have this done by five or six at the latest. Just like I’d said yesterday. Bubba’s getting really good at identifying different historic periods.”

Bubba nodded. “My mom would be proud. She wanted me to do something creative with my life, but I went practical at college and got a business degree. Between that and football, there wasn’t a lot of time for extra classes.”

A noise sounded from the front door. I stood up and saw Aunt Franny banging on the glass door. She looked mad. “This can’t be good.”

“I can tell her to go away,” Bubba stood and moved toward the front.

“No, I’ll go. Nic, you stay here as well. No need getting us both in trouble.” I walked over and unlocked the door, but only opened it a few inches. I could feel Nic and Bubba watching me. “Hey, Aunt Franny. Sorry, we’re not quite open yet. I can give you a call when we are.”

“You spent my money on this firetrap? Are you kidding?” She glared at me. Then she started shaking her finger like I was a five-year-old child. “That money was supposed to go to me. I’m her daughter. I’m supposed to have her powers.”

“You’re going to need to take that up with Grandma.” I leaned against the doorframe. I wasn’t going to tell Aunt Franny I knew about the love potion or about the fight. That was between her and Grandma. “Now, is there anything else? I’ve got work to do.”

“If you don’t relinquish the money and the power, I’m going to cut you off. You will no longer be my niece.” Her gaze was cold, calculating.

I had no doubt she would do it. I remembered Saturdays at the house. Grandma, Mom, and Aunt Franny cooking in the kitchen, getting everything ready for a family get together. Now all but Aunt Franny, Nic, and I were gone and she was threatening to cut off communication over money? Or was it the power my grandmother had passed on to me that she was really after. Either way, it wasn’t my gift to give back. “Grandma made her choice. I can’t change it.”

“But you can. All you have to do sweetheart is a small ceremony. Your blood to my hand. It’s simple.” Aunt Franny smiled and softened her voice. She stepped forward reaching out for me.

I dodged her grip. “You’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. I won’t go against what Grandma had set up. You had your chance to fix your relationship while she was alive. I was out of state. I didn’t even know you two were fighting. I didn’t do this. You did. If that means you’re also going to cut me off? I can’t change that. And, I won’t. It’s your choice. You know where I’ll be if you change your mind.”

I shut and locked the door in her face.

She beat on the glass with both hands, furious at me. For a second, it didn’t even look like the aunt I knew standing out there. I felt a presence next to me. I looked over and saw Harry watching me from a wing back chair.

“Sometimes doing the right thing is also the hardest thing to do.” He smiled at me then disappeared again.

I took one more look at the aunt who’d promised to never talk to me again and went back to the others. My food was getting cold.

Nic and Bubba watched me as I walked back to the table. I sat down and picked up my fork. “Apparently, Aunt Franny won’t be at family holidays unless I’m not invited.”

Nic reached out and covered my hand with his. “Sis, you’ll always be invited. She’ll come around eventually.”