Page 15 of A Medium Fate

I blinked back tears. “She let Grandma die without making things right. Or even trying. I have a feeling that I won’t be seeing Aunt Franny again.”

We finished our meal in silence, then Nic made a call. He came back and started throwing empty containers into a trash sack. “What can I do to help?”

“With the audit?” I knew he didn’t mean Aunt Franny. That situation was between her and me. She’d made her choices. Family is hard.

He broke the last roll in half and offered half to me. “Yes, with the audit. We’re expected there first thing in the morning and I’m not going to let Franny’s visit change our plans.”

I took the roll and nodded. “Let’s get to work then.”

* * *

With Nic on board,it took less time than I’d expected. I got into the restaurant in the hotel, Criollo, for an early dinner. Bubba had refused my offer to feed him so he was standing by the wall, watching. It made me uncomfortable to always have security around me. Another reason I had moved away from home as an adult. I’d talk to Nic the next time I saw him and have him pull Bubba. Or at least reduce it to when I was out of the hotel. This was ridiculous.

I had just finished a great meal off with a dessert, coffee, and a little time with a book when my phone rang. Even across the room, I could see Bubba’s change in stance. I pulled it out of my tote and answered, “Eddie Cayce.”

“Ms. Cayce, this is Detective Boone Charles. We met a few days ago?”

I smiled and I saw Bubba relax across the room. “Yes, Detective Charles, I remember. What can I help you with tonight? Did you find Matty’s killer?”

“I’m sorry to have to disappoint you on that front. We’re still investigating. But since your shop was the murder scene, I’ve been watching it for any unusual activity. A beat cop chased off an attempted break in just a few minutes ago. I don’t know if you want to come down and check your locks or security, but I’ll be here for about another thirty minutes if you do.”

I had stood up and waved at my server as soon as he said the words ‘break in’. “I’ll be right there.”

I signed for the meal, then met Bubba at the door to the lobby.

He took my arm and moved me through the crowd. “What’s wrong?”

“Someone tried to break into the shop. The police are there now.” I pointed to the door. “It will be faster to walk than try to get the car out.”

He activated his earpiece, calling someone. “The princess is on the move. We’ll be at the antique shop at time of transfer.”

I didn’t stop walking, but I glanced up at him. “You call me the princess?”

“Sorry, that name was set before I knew you. Your brother’s code name is prince. Your dad set them up years ago.” He smiled down at me. “Although sometimes you do look like a princess.”

“If I had time, I’d show you who looks like a princess.” I paused at the corner, waiting for a car to move past before crossing without the light. I could already see the flashing lights in front of the shop. “I can’t believe what a mess moving home has been. It’s one thing after another.”

“You’re just settling in. I hate to say it, but this won’t be the last time someone tries to break into your shop. We’re in a high tourist area. Drunk tourists can make bad decisions. Especially around spring break.” He held his hand up for an oncoming car and hurried me back onto the sidewalk.

“Thanks for the positive spin on this.” We had one more road to cross and a crowd of people to get through before we were there. I took a deep breath as we approached the building. No windows were broken from what I could see. I hoped I was right. If there had been, I’d need to get someone in to board it up until I could get the glass replaced. Detective Charles waved me over to where he was talking to a homeless man.

When I got closer, I realized it was the same man I’d seen around the store the last few days.

Detective Charles nodded to the man. “Tell Ms. Cayce what you just told me.”

The man glared at the detective but nodded. “He tried to use a key but it didn’t work. Then he started yelling and had a crowbar. I thought he was going to break the window, so I started yelling at him and waving my arms, hoping he’d go away. A crowd of people stopped and one guy started filming. I don’t like my picture taken, so I turned my face. He saw the camera and went running. Then a cop showed up and said I was trying to break in. I wasn’t. Find the camera man.”

He was getting agitated. “Calm down, I believe you. Did you know the man with the key?”

Detective Charles frowned at me. Apparently, he didn’t believe the man’s story.

“He comes a lot. Or he did, when Matty was here. He wasn’t nice like Matty. He told me he’d call the cops and have me arrested. I didn’t let him see me after that. Matty was nice.” Tears fell from the man’s face. “I miss Matty. When you see him, tell him Kirk says hi.”

No one had told him that Matty was dead. I looked up at Detective Charles and he shook his head. I started to dig in my tote, but Bubba anticipated my need and handed me a ten. I gave it to Kirk. “Thank you for your help tonight, Kirk. I appreciate how you watch the place.”

“Payday is coming. Matty pays every Friday morning.” His eyes brightened when he took the ten. “Kirk will be back then.”

As he started to leave, Detective Charles reached out to stop him, but I grabbed his arm. After Kirk was out of sight, I turned back to him. “He didn’t do this. He’s around all the time. If he wanted to break in, he had a lot of opportunity. He was helping Matty.”