I wore a fuchsia bridesmaid dress once. It was for my older sister’s wedding, and I was thirteen- years old. I still haven’t forgiven her.- Alex


I don’t knowwhy I’m so nervous. I’ve been to dozens of weddings before, and Nash was my favorite wedding date once upon a time. Unfortunately, he’s also the guy I’ve been crushing on since I was eighteen years old. Not that he needs to know that. I’ve tried everything to get over the guy. Dating other men didn’t work. Even trying to convince myself that I was in love with someone else didn’t work. I still want him and it’s still his face and body that haunts my naughty dreams.

During the Victorian Era, Nash Summers would have been referred to as a rake. He’s charming, dashing, and elusive when it comes to commitment. I’ve watched many women crash and burn in their attempts to wrangle him into a relationship. When he asked me out years ago, I thought about it for half a second before I decided I would much rather be his friend than one of his discarded women.

Still, the thought of seeing him again does have butterflies flying around in my tummy. I suck said tummy in as I look in the full-length mirror in my bedroom.

Josh and Danny decided to throw a black-and-white wedding which means that I can finally wear a black dress to a wedding without it being considered morbid. In fact, Josh helped me pick out this dress and declared me a ‘complete hottie’ in it. The dress is deceptively simple, but it shows off all my ‘ass’ets very well. I have more curves than your average woman and this black dress accentuates every one of them. My girls are adequately covered, but the neckline allows my bountiful cleavage to breathe. The dress flares at the waist so that my stomach pooch is not quite so obvious. If I turn to the side, you can see the flare of my hips and my more-than-a-handful booty. There’s a slit up the leg that even makes my short figure appear like I have some decent legs. I smile at myself in the mirror and take a deep breath just as the doorbell rings. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.

I wring my hands together on the way to the door. It’s been almost a year since I’ve seen Nash. I’ve been in and out of relationships most of the years that we’ve known each other. It’s a great reason to avoid the guy who still makes my heart beat double time. My lady bits don’t really approve of us being ‘just friends’, but they’ve never been smart. Anyway, since I was involved with the biggest douche on the planet up until about two months ago, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him. We call each other occasionally. I can’t seem to go too long without hearing his strong, baritone voice and booming laugh.

I smooth down my dress one more time before opening the door. Maybe Nash won’t be as handsome as always. Maybe for once, he won’t make me lose my breath and wish for something that can’t be. Maybe after all this time, I’ll be immune to him.

I open the door and Nash stands there with his usual cocky grin. I check him out as his gaze studies me from head to toe. His grin fades and his brown eyes take on a feral glint as he surveys my curves. The tux he has on emphasizes his broad chest; a chest that I’ve seen shirtless and has inspired many lustful dreams for me. God, he looks so good. Yep, my lady bits are definitely…aroused by his presence.

“Alex, you look downright delicious. How the hell am I supposed to keep all the other man away?” His nostrils flare as I step forward and place a hand on his chest. “Not to mention keep my hands to myself,” he grumbles. The spark between us that usually scares me to death suddenly feels…invigorating. I want to test this newfound wanton side of me that desperately wants to flirt with my old friend.

I tilt my head as I look up into his chocolate eyes. “Maybe you don’t need to keep them to yourself.” With a saucy wink, I maneuver around him and make my way to the car.

He stands there stunned for a moment, and then lets out his signature booming laugh. “Oh, Alex Marino, we’re in for a hell of a night.”