I can appreciate the female form without being a man-whore, contrary to popular belief. I love women, but I do believe in meeting ‘the one’. Unfortunately, my ‘one’ doesn’t see me in the same light…yet. -Nash


The womanin front of me stops to tie her shoes and I slow down to a light jog. I love running in my neighborhood. I watch her round behind as she leans over, and I wave as I run past. Such good scenery around here.

I’m barely a mile into my run when my phone dings and interrupts my running music. I raise an eyebrow when I see the name on the screen.

“Alex Marino, what’s up?” A smile spreads across my face. A phone call from the cynical, beautiful, and funny woman of my dreams is always welcome even if she only thinks of me as her ole’ college buddy, Nash.

Her heavy sigh stops me in my tracks on the running path. “What’s wrong, Alex? Do I need to kick someone’s ass?”

I love Alex dearly, but she has the worst taste in men. If there’s a loser in the vicinity, she’s more than likely to have dated him. I, unfortunately, took a shot years ago and asked her out. She turned me down flat and accused me of not being ready to commit to one woman. What she has yet to understand is that she is the only woman I will ever want to commit myself to. With her, I would happily ‘tie myself down’. Her figure of speech, not mine. She gave me the ‘we’re better off friends’ speech. I suppose it’s accurate considering we’ve been friends for over a decade now. I’ll never stop wishing for more.

She groans. “No, nothing like that. Still recovering from the last debacle. I need a date for a wedding, stat.”

My mouth spreads into a broad grin. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken Alex to a wedding. Once upon a time, I was her go-to wedding date and we partied at over a dozen weddings. My girl is always the bridesmaid, never the bride. I sincerely hate that statement, but it fits for Alex. At least for now. If she would only open her eyes, I would gladly make her mine. Lately, I haven’t had the chance to take her to any weddings. Her friend Josh has turned into her favorite wedding date. I can’t help but get a bit jealous over it. I’ve been summarily replaced.

“What happened? Did your regular date cancel on you?.

She sighs again. “Nope,” she says popping the ‘p’, “he’s the one getting married and I’m the best woman.”

I can’t help but laugh. “So, I’m just the runner-up, huh?”

“Well, now I wouldn’t say that. Your overinflated ego probably can’t handle it, but you know you’re rarely second choice when it comes to women,” Alex says dryly.

Except for one woman, I can’t help but think. When will you finally give me a chance, Alex Marino?

“I have only one question for you, my beautiful Alex Marino. Now, it’s a very serious question, and I’m afraid I’ll have to say no if your answer to my question is in the negative.”

“What?” There’s an anxious tone to her voice. I can’t hide my grin. I love teasing Alex.

“Is there an open bar at this shindig or what?”

Alex lets out a long breath. “Nash Summers, you know me better than that. I wouldn’t be going if there wasn’t.”

“Alex, you’ve got yourself a date.”