Having a wedding without an open bar should be considered a crime. At least provide booze to the single people so we can get drunk before we’re forced to face the pitying looks. ‘Oh, you’re such a pretty girl, why aren’t you the one getting married?’ Gag me with a spoon, please. And pass me a rum and coke. -Alex


“Wouldyou do me the honor of being my best woman, Alex, please? I can’t imagine doing this without you by my side. You were so instrumental in getting Danny and I together,” Josh pleads. Geez, he’s really laying it on thick. He even brings out the lower lip and prayer hands. I can’t hold back my giggle.

When my bestie asked me to meet him in the park today, I had a small clue what it might be about. He recently got engaged to his high school sweetheart, aka the guy that I set him up with, and he’s been wedding-crazed ever since.

I gaze up at my best friend, the guy who stood by my side through more breakups than I can count, the one who picked me up off the floor, literally, when my fiancé broke my heart into pieces. Crap on a cracker. I’ve lost count of the number of friends I’ve been bridesmaid for in the last five years, but here I go again.

I give Josh a wide, fake smile. “Of course, honey, I would love to be there for you on your special day.”

He whoops and gives me a giant hug, lifting me up off my feet and spinning me around. My friend is tall and broad-shouldered, blonde-haired, and blue-eyed and a complete hottie. His fiancé is a lucky man.

I pat him on the shoulder. “Put me down, you silly man..

He finally does and I toss him a wink. “One promise though, if I’m going to be your best woman.”

He chuckles. “Anything for you, babe. I’m so excited!”

I grin, this time for real. “I get to pick my dress, and it will not be some ugly monstrosity designed to hide my assets. If I’m going be in yet another wedding, I at least want to look hot in it.”

“Deal,” Josh says and sticks out his pinkie finger. I grab it with my own pinkie. “I pinkie promise that you, Alexis Marino, can wear the hottest freakin’ dress in the world and stand out all you want while standing up beside me. I’ll even help you scout out the single guys ahead of time.”

I roll my eyes. “Whatever, Joshie, you know that hookups at weddings never work out.”

“Did I say anything about it working out? I was thinking of finding you a sexy one-night stand kind of guy.” He waggles his eyebrows.

I scrunch my nose up. “Ugh, no thank you. I stopped doing one night stands a few years ago. I just end up feeling like crap about myself the next day.” I shudder, thinking of the few times I tried the hit-it-and-quit-it thing when I was in my twenties. Now, at thirty-two, I can’t imagine doing the morning walk of shame again.

Josh giggles and bumps my hip with his. “Who knows, Alex, you might find the love of your life at my wedding. It could be the beginning of something great for you.”

I pat his arm. “You’re allowed to be all positive and Pollyanna-like since you’re getting married, but I don’t think marriage or happily-ever-after is in the cards for me.”

“Never say never, my dear Alex. It could happen.”

I pull out my phone to start looking up dress possibilities for the wedding. “Whatever, Josh, there’s about as much chance of that happening as there is of my mom finally stopping her matchmaking. In other words, it ain’t happening.”