Page 10 of Sing Me a Song

My stomach tightens, my pussy clamps around his fingers, and my scream gets lodged in my throat as I crest the wave of my orgasm. I'm grinding into his hand when I feel a sharp pain on my right ass cheek. At first, it feels like an annoying scratching but my orgasm overpowers it and I only begin to feel the smarting sting as I come down.

He steps back, his warmth replaced with a chilling breeze, and I hear his quick intake of breath.

"Mine." He growls.

I reach my hand back, wiping along my buttock, and bringing it back to my face. I'm shocked to find it's covered in blood.

Chapter Five


“What the fuck?" I gasp as the bright red of my blood coats my palm.

I turn to ask this stranger what he's done when I see him already leaving the alley.

"Hey!" I drop my skirt and chase after him. "What the fuck did you do to me?"

I grab his arm and find myself quickly slammed against the brick with his hand firmly around my throat.

"Don't ever fucking touch me." He snarls, his mouth and the tip of his nose the only things visible under his hood.

"You touched me." I gasp as I try to look under the shade.

"You're mine and I can do as I wish with you. Your body is mine, your breath is mine, and your dark, cold soul is mine." I close my eyes at the sound of his voice, feeling myself become calmer than any drug has given me.

"Raiden." I whisper his name, it must be him.

He has a goatee that curves around his full round lips, the color black with a sprinkling of gray throughout and his nose is slightly wide, one nostril sporting two rings while the other has a single stud. His tongue comes out to wet his bottom lip and I see a small bar through the tip. I want to know how it would feel to have that bar gliding against my pussy and sinking deep inside.


I try to shake off the stupor I keep finding myself in and sort out my thoughts.

"Why did you cut me?"

His hand squeezes tighter around my throat and his plump lips pull back and tighten against his bright white teeth, "You. Are. Mine."

His body crowds in against mine and the coarse brick begins to dig into my back, his mouth so close to mine. I want his kiss and the feel of his breath washing over my face has me wishing we could get closer still.

Then, he breaks away and I whimper at the absence of his touch. He turns his back and walks away from me like he didn't just violate me in the best way. I continue to lean against the wall, catching my breath, and feeling the sting on my ass and neck. I need about four Valium and twelve hours of sleep.

I push off the wall and swiftly walk back to my car, my ass smarting and the blood running down my leg. I'm starting to see why Sky was so fucking scared of these men. As much as I want to sleep, I need to get home and Google Deluge.

Once home, my slow as fuck laptop hums loudly like it's ready to take off and I pour myself a large glass of wine. The pain in my ass has eased but the skin is an ugly red color and inflamed around a long, jagged cut. I cleaned the wound and covered it with a bandage because the sight of my broken skin makes me want to fucking lose it.

I pull up Google and type in Deluge. A bunch of articles pop up but it's the first picture that has my full attention. All of them in what looks to be long black robes, the hoods wide and low over their heads, and their mouths on full display. I intuitively know which one is Raiden, the shape of those lips will forever be ingrained in my mind, and I touch my neck on the cut he licked clean.

The others are pretty much normal save for the long, pointed beards and is that a forked tongue?! One of them has a forked tongue! I scroll over the articles and there are a few that stand out from the late nineties.

"Deluge causes a riot in the streets of Chicago."

"They're at it again! Deluge Kills a dove on stage."

"Blood thrown onto the crowd! Deluge being fined."

“Is Deluge really a part of the Illuminati?”

That last one gives me pause and I quickly open the link. There’s a picture of the four of them looking much younger and a lot more out of control, the picture is grainy with how old it is so I can’t really pick out their features. But they’re all topless and muscular like running backs. Two of them have their hands thrown up and their fingers shaped into a triangle.