Page 11 of Sing Me a Song

“Deluge greeted fans backstage tonight after their final concert for the tour. When a fan asked them what the secret to their success was, lead singer Raiden James said, quote, ‘hard work and a lot of blood.’ To which his bandmate Torrent added ‘sweat and tears, too.’ Strange right? Especially when they draw Illuminati symbols from dove’s blood onto the stage during their shows. Then let’s not forget their very own manager Kenny Tonga has been known to associate with many suspected Illuminati members.”

Okay, so these guys sound a bit fucked up, like a lot a bit and my stinging ass can attest to that. My satisfied pussy on the other hand, wants more of the fucking madness. I can't help but be somewhat drawn to the man that tasted my blood and finger fucked me simultaneously.

Next, I Google the Illuminati and skim through a few sites but not really learning much. There’s nothing about selling souls to the devil but there is an in-depth explanation about secret societies and that we may never know exactly what the Illuminati are or what they stand for.

I hit a link to a YouTube video and one of their songs begins to play. It’s heavy metal with the angry sounding electric guitar and the hard crashing of drums, but Raiden’s voice is singing like it’s Sunday choir. He sounds beautiful against the aggressive background noise and his voice is melodic.

I close the laptop and sit back on the couch. I'm intrigued and if I'm being honest with myself, I have always been slightly attracted to the more fucked up things in life. That includes the men I choose, too. Hence why I'm sitting here in this one room apartment and pulling my clothes off every night for a buck. I'm not your average twenty-one-year-old.

For as long as I can remember, everything that surrounded me was different shades of dark and I grew up thinking that was normal. People weren't nice, life was hard, and survival meant you made it another day. Anything more than that was a privilege, which I rarely had.

Maybe if I had a mother that stuck around to raise me, things would’ve been different, I was about six when she left, but I can’t seem to summon her face or hear her voice, and she’s long been forgotten. I have been told many different versions of the same story and they all add up to the same conclusion, she was a cunt who left her young daughter in the hands of an alcoholic father.

I know nothing of her family, where she came from, and where she went. My father was rarely sober and asking about her always resulted in more questions than answers. He resented her for leaving and even more for sticking him with me. Not that he raised me, I was left to the streets most days, and that meant I was stealing food and robbing people’s pockets.

That’s why I’m sitting here, sucking back a bottle of wine, and wincing whenever I shift on my ass, instead of crying at a police station. I don’t trust pigs and I know in most cases they cause a bigger problem instead of solving it.

I know I can handle the likes of Deluge because this shit isn’t new to me and men like Raiden are more familiar than not. Like he said, my soul is cold and dark, and I know there’s no light at the end of the tunnel around here.

I chug down the rest of the bottle and let the glass hit the carpet, watching as it rolls towards a few others. Raiden may think he owns me but he has no idea what owning me entails.

I am looking forward to watching him find out.

Chapter Six


“Carl,” I slam my fists against my hips. “Him and his goon jumped me as I was heading to my car.”

“Why were you alone?” His brows crash together in confusion.

“Who the fuck cares?” I throw my hands up. “They fucking jumped me and that crazy motherfucker carved into my skin.”

I tip my head to show him my neck and then turn to lift the skirt I’m wearing, giving him a good view of the long, jagged cut in my ass cheek.

“I wanted you to stay home.” He drops his head into his hands. “Then maybe this could have been avoided.”

“I can’t stay home!” I yell. “I need to work.”

“Now, you’re in his sights, there’s nothing I can do.” He leans back in his chair. “You can leave this place.”

“Leave?” I widen my eyes.

“Yeah, I don’t know that he wouldn’t hunt you down though, I think he’d enjoy that.”

“I’m not leaving because some old asshole Illuminati bitch is trying to scare me.” I turn on my heel and stomp towards his office door.

“Tempest, I wouldn’t say that shit to anyone else if I were you,” he calls to my back. “They are coming tonight for the choosing. Be ready.”

“Fuck them,” I flip him the bird over my shoulder. “And fuck their fucking choosing.”

Tonight's line up consists of me, Queen, Diamond, and Tiny. I think Tiny requested this night hoping Squall would choose her again. She said it was an amazing experience and a lot of money was transferred into her account afterward.

I won’t be hitting the stage tonight, the cut on my ass is ugly and I can only imagine what the girls would be saying about it. Instead, I sit at the bar with Kyle and guzzle back all the free drinks he rolls to me. I can see the interest in his eyes but I can say with one-hundred percent certainty that he stirs absolutely nothing in me.

“Not going on tonight?” He asks me.

“Nope.” I shake my head and down the tequila shot, flicking the lime slice back at him.