Page 60 of Ivy's Venom

“I’m slightly turned on.” Carmelo mutters.

“Same.” I agree. “Mr. O’Connor does like a good ramming.”

We’re all fucked.

“Moving on.” Cam says as we begin to walk out of the school, “Andrew is somewhat of an insomniac and says he heard Mr. Pratt’s car arrive home late in the night, like two in the morning.”

“So?” Carmelo snorts, “was he walking funny?”

“That’s the weird part,” Cam stops and looks at us. “A woman got out of the car and went into Mr. Pratt’s house.”

“That is strange.” Carmelo states.

“Right?” Cam nods, “if he’s catching home runs from Mr. O’Connor’s bat then why is there a woman?”

“Can you not?” I stare at him.

“Sorry.” He shrugs.

“Did Andrew see what she looked like?” Carmelo asks.

“Nah, dressed in black, went into the house, and never came out.”

“So, she’s still in there?” I ask.

“I doubt it. Maybe she went out the back.” Cam says as we resume walking to our cars.

“This shit is weird.” I murmur.

“Whatever.” Carmelo shakes it off. “I have a fight tonight and you both are coming to watch.”

“I hate watching you fight.” I whine. “You always take such a beating. Plus, there’s going to be a storm.”

“You love driving in the snow, stop giving me excuses, and it’s at the strip.” His smile is wide. “The word is getting around and it’s going to be a huge turn out.”

“You’re fighting in the fucking snow?” I hiss at him.

“Should help with the swelling.” Cam high fives him.

“You’re both losers.” I unlock my car door.

“Ten tonight.” Carmelo kisses my cheek. “Don’t be late.”

“Neil!” Amelia skids into the kitchen. “There’s going to be a fight at the strip tonight and you’re taking me.”

“I’m fucking tired.” I shake my head. “I can’t tonight.”

Vincent Greene has been riding my ass all week, having me drive all over the place, and being an all around gopher. I get home every night, put some food in my stomach, and die in my bed. Only to do it all over again the next day.

“Carmelo is fighting.” She stomps her foot, “he’s really good.”

“Ivy’s cousin?” I ask her.

Ivy, I haven’t spoken to her in a few days and even though I miss her, I had to put the brakes on our hooking up. I don’t want to carry on any further without figuring shit out. I refuse to be that guy.

“Yeah!” Her eyes light up like she’s convinced me.

“Nah, I’m good.” I stand up from the table. “I’m seriously tired.”