“Fine,” she walks out of the kitchen, “I’ll just drive myself.”
I try to ignore the words, knowing exactly what game she’s playing, and trying to just get my ass to bed. But nope, big brother conscience steps in and clocks me in the chin.
“Fuck.” I curse and walk out behind her. “We are not staying late, I have to be up early tomorrow morning.”
“Okay!” She squeals and grabs our jackets.
By the time we get to the strip, snowflakes are coming down in thick white puffs, and the ground already has a few centimeters gathered. It’s not frigid cold though and that means we can chill outside to watch two guys beat the shit out of each other.
The human race has come a long way.
“There’s Cam!” Amelia exclaims, grabbing my hand and dragging me to Cam and Ivy.
Cam scoops Amelia up into a big hug while I stand off to the side, my eye on Ivy. She gives me a glance and a slight nod of her head, but that’s it. I guess I deserve that. She looks just as compelling as always in a black puffer jacket, loose beanie, and furry boots. Her hair is loose around her shoulders and her cheeks are rosy from the cold.
I want to pull her in my arms and give her my warmth. See? This is the shit that happens whenever I see her and all intelligent thought leaves me. I lean against a light post, waiting for these guys to start the fight so I can go home and sleep. It’s been a long week and it’s not even over yet.
“Did your phone blow up in your face?” Ivy’s asks as she leans on the other side of the post.
“No.” I shake my head.
I chuckle and reach over to flick her nose. “I am dead tired because your father is a workaholic and honestly, I’m just trying to work through my feelings.”
“You could’ve just told me that.” She huffs.
“I guess but then I wouldn’t be a typical guy.” I grin at her.
“You’re not a typical guy, Neil.” She smiles and turns back to watch her cousin.
She doesn’t think I’m a typical guy, so what does that mean? What does she think of me? Am I more than a hookup she calls when she’s drunk and wants dick? Does she see a relationship eventually? Even though she said she doesn’t want one?
The crowd roars when a guy steps out onto the road in front of Carmelo. He’s bigger and meaner looking.
“Who’s the guy?” I ask Ivy.
“Some guy from the next town over.” She brushes the hair out of her face. “I don’t even want to watch this.” She turns her head to look at me, “want to go fuck in your car instead?”
I groan so loud that people nearest to us look over curiously. “Yes,” I look at her, “but no.”
“I figured.” She blows out her breath and it wisps in front of her face then dissipates.
“You’re the typical guy here,” I grin at her, “you know that right?”
“I’ve heard it a few times.” She grins back, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth.
She’s so fucking gorgeous and I am just about to change my mind about fucking her when the crowd roars. I look over in time to see Carmelo taking three quick raps to the face and then falling onto his ass.
“Is he any good at this?” I ask.
“Yes?” She makes it sound like a question and we both cringe when Carmelo takes a kick to the ribs.
Then, Carmelo pops to his feet and starts swinging hard blows at the other guy, who has his arms up around his face. Carmelo’s punches to his body are precise and solid, bringing the guy to his knees.
Carmelo’s face is completely covered in blood and he spits a bright red wad onto the snow, the colour stark against the white fluff. There’s a blank look in his eyes, like he sealed up his humanity, and let his body finish the fight. It’s the look I would imagine on a soldier's face just before he pulls the trigger.
Carmelo pulls his right arm back and slams his fist forward, right into the other guy’s temple. Effectively knocking him out, his body falling forward, and his eyes rolling into the back of his head.