Page 55 of Spark of Madness

“You’re pretty when you cry, sinner,” he whispers from behind me.

Sadness turns to anger, and I let go of the fabric at my chest to swat his hand away. “Don’t touch me.”

He snatches me by the wrist before I can bring my arm down, and whips me around to face him, bringing us chest to chest. “Are you finally seeing the full impact of your sins? Friends turning away from you?”

“They don’t know what they’re saying.”

“I think they know exactly what they’re saying. Your actions have consequences for everyone you care about.”

I look at him squarely. “And what consequences will those you care about face when your sins come to light?” My threat of exposing our dirty secret is idle for now but reminding him that I could expose him is the only power I have in my life right now.

His jaw tenses and his eyes turn sideways, looking to see if anyone else is near enough to hear. “You haven’t told anyone.” It’s a statement more than it is a question.

My shoulders sag. “No. I haven’t.”

“Good choice.”

“No one would believe me.”

“Probably right.”

“And they wouldn’t care if they did.”

“You’re very insightful for a sinner.”

“Is that all I am? From now until the day I die? I’m no longer a person, only a sinner?”

He clicks his tongue. “There’s that golden insight of yours.”

I look at our hands between our chests, realizing only then that his gloved palm has slipped from my wrist to curl around my fingers. He holds my hand so tightly that I can’t pull away—and I’m not entirely certain I want to. I look up at him and he sucks in a breath as our eyes meet, then he blinks and releases my hand.

“Come along now,” he says. “Delle’s already gone back to the Homestead, and I’d like to check on her.”

I rise on my toes to look over his shoulder, spotting Delle climbing the steps behind Theo and Park. Suddenly, my attention is drawn to her and the need to protect is overwhelming. I don’t wait for Arlo’s lead; I move around him and stalk across the square at a quick pace. It’s only a few steps before I feel his hand on the small of my back.

“I don’t need you to lead me. I know where I’m going.”

I twitch my hip, arching sideways and trying to shrug him away. His hand only slides around the side of my waist and grips me.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Mercy. If I wanted to lead you, I’d place a collar around your neck and attach it to a leash.”

I stop abruptly and look over at him. “I may be the sinner, but there’s somethingdeeplywrong with you, Warden Rainn.”

He stares at me, blinking his bright blue eyes. “Just as there is with you, Mercy Madness.”

He doesn’t elaborate, nor does he wait for a response. He drags his hand across the small of my back, fingertips grazing in a way that’s almost sensual as he drags his hand away. He gives me a quick smile that sets off a flurry of feeling in my stomach.

And much like a leash, his aura tugs me, dragging me up the stairs behind him.

chapter eighteen


BACK INSIDE THEmanor, I catch up with Delle at the top of the staircase. “Delle.”

She stops on the second-floor landing and turns, waiting for me to climb the last few steps to meet her.

“Are you okay?” I ask her.