“Well, it’s certainly not for Brian Peterson.”

Jake took my hands in his and pinned them to the bed on either side of my head, then shoved his hips between my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he entered me in one long thrust.

We both groaned in pleasure.

Jake started pumping in and out of me roughly, and I held on tight, lifting my hips to meet him with every stroke. It had never been like this with anyone else, so all-consuming. I was suddenly glad that I’d made the decision to give him a chance. And as my orgasm thundered through my body, I only hoped this would last.


Evie rolled over witha groan and pressed her face against my shoulder to block out the light. I hugged her tight to me, feeling a wave of happiness. Last night had been incredible. Well, not the part where she could have been killed by an idiot criminal, but the part afterward. I’d loved falling asleep with our bodies wrapped around each other.

Evie groaned, then shifted up to give me a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning, sunshine. What’s on your agenda today?”

“I’m working at the store, and then we have book club tonight.”

“Ah yes, the infamous boozy book club.” Assistant Chief Potter was an avid participant, as well as several other women on my team, so I’d heard a lot about it and understood the premise. “What’s your theme this month?”

She gave me a strange look. “Martinis & Mysteries.”

“What’s wrong?”

She shook her head.

“Nothing. It’s just that last month our theme was Bubbly & Billionaires, and Emma met and fell in love with a billionaire. And this month was Martinis & Mysteries, and I solved a mystery.”

“That’s a strange coincidence. What’s your theme for next month?”

“Bourbon & Bikers. I guess one of us is going to meet a biker,” she laughed.

“Not you. You’re taken.”

She rolled her eyes. “I like possessive about as much as I like bossy. Remember that.”