“Not every cop is dirty,” Jake said softly.

“Tell that to the guy I hit with a paint gun tonight.”

“About that. Who taught you to shoot?”

I rolled my eyes. “My father, of course. It might have been the only decent thing he ever did.”

“Evie, I know you’re scared. I know you need time. All I’m asking is that you look past your father and see me for who I really am. Get to know me better. I’ve never felt like this before, this, this, whatever this is between us. And I think it’s the same for you. Please, just give me a chance. Give us a chance.”

Damned if I didn’t want to do exactly what he asked. Maybe it would be okay to meet him halfway. I’d talked about this at length with Emma and Dawn, and they’d made the point that I couldn’t assume that all cops were like my father. Jake had done nothing to give me any indication that he was violent. And the fact was, I was totally crazy about him. As much as he annoyed me, I couldn’t deny that I also liked him. A lot.

“I guess we could try dating, and see how that goes,” I responded.

Jake looked as surprised as I felt.

I rushed to add, “But I make no guarantees.”

Jake studied my face for a long moment, then nodded.

“Okay. That’s good enough for now. We can talk more later. It’s been a big night, let’s go to bed.”

“Is there an invitation in there somewhere? Because I believe I’ve been crystal clear about how I feel about being ordered around.”

He took a deep breath.

“Evie Fontenot. Would you please sleep over with me?”

“Since you asked nicely, I guess I will,” I said primly.

He stood up and once again grabbed my wrist, leading me towards the bedroom.

“You don’t need to drag me everywhere, you know,” I told him.

He turned around and before I knew what he was doing, he somehow tossed me over his shoulder. I huffed out a deep breath as my abdomen pressed against his hard shoulder. He gave me a sharp tap on the ass, and I squealed.

“You’re going to be the death of me Evie. I just know it.”

Jake strode into the bedroom and dumped me on the bed. I watched while he took off everything but his boxers, then slid into bed next to me. I rolled over to look at him in confusion.

“What are you doing?”

“Going to sleep. It’s late.”

I ran my fingers down the salt and pepper hair that covered his chest. I could tell he was still angry about us taking the law into our own hands, but I knew he’d get over it. I was actually pretty proud of myself and my girls.

“I’m a little keyed up from my adventure. I think I need to do something to calm down.”

Before he could answer I moved to straddle his waist and pulled off my shirt and bra. I realized he’d never actually seen the top of me naked before, and hoped he wasn’t too disappointed that my large breasts were a bit saggy, and my stomach was soft. I exhaled as I saw his eyes darken with appreciation.

His hands went right to my breasts, teasing the nipples between his fingers. I braced my hands against his hips and arched my back, giving him access. I could feel his cock lengthening next to my ass. Jake jackknifed to sitting and took one nipple into his mouth, teasing the other with his fingers.

Suddenly he pulled back and looked at me with an expression that I couldn’t interpret.

“One day Evie, we’re going to do this slow and take our time getting to know each other’s bodies. However, today is not that day.”

He rolled me over to my back and practically ripped my pants and underwear off. His fingers dipped between my lower lips, smirking as he found me dripping wet.

“Is this for me?” he growled.