“Just checking to see if there were any more problems. Patrol didn’t notice anything weird last night.”

She waved at the broken glass from the display case that held rare books. “Well, your patrol clearly did a great job since the bandit struck again.”

“Damn it.”

I put the coffees on a nearby table and examined the cabinet carefully. The glass was broken, and someone had left a piece of paper on the shelf with the same message as the other ones: ‘get out’.

“Still think this is still a prank?” she snapped.

“I guess not.” I sighed. I didn’t like crime happening in my town. “I’ll add this to the report.”

She just rolled her eyes at me. I straightened and handed her one of the cups.

“What’s this?” she asked suspiciously.

“Nonfat caramel macchiato. Amy said it was your favorite.”

She took the cup, sniffing it before taking a careful sip. Her eyes closed and a look of pleasure crossed her face as she tasted the coffee. I was mesmerized by that look. I decided right then and there to make it my mission in life to put that look on her face every day for the rest of my life.


Damn it. It was hardto be mad at a guy who brought you coffee. At least until he opened his big fat mouth and said something annoying.

“You need to change the locks right away,” he ordered in that bossy tone that made me want to smack him. And for the record, I was not a violent person.

I rolled my eyes. “You need to mind your own business.”

“Crime in this town is my business.”

Ignoring him, I set my coffee down and finished sweeping the broken glass into a paper bag, throwing the little love note from the vandal on top of the shards. I grabbed the bag, broom, and dustpan and stalked to the back room where I kept the trash. Dumping it into the can, I turned around and jumped. Chief Wilson was right behind me. That was the third time in two days that he’d snuck up on me.

“For such a big guy, you’re awfully light on your feet,” I grumbled. “Also, this area is for employees only.”

“Ms. Fontenot. Evie. Please, promise me you’ll change the locks,” he said, his voice softer than I’d heard it. “It’s clear that someone got a key somehow and is using it to cause trouble.”

I sighed deeply.