I looked at my watch, noting that it was just before ten a.m.

“Who else has keys?”

“Just me.”

“Your staff?”

She shook her head. “I have a few part-timers, but I’m always here to open and close.”

“When do you take a day off?” I asked curiously. I hoped she wasn’t working too hard.

“Not your business, Chief.” She sneered the last word, like it was a curse.

“It’s Jake.”


“My first name is Jake. I know you said you think you don’t have any enemies, but what about any ex-boyfriends?”

“Maybe I date women,” she sassed. “Did you think about that?”

Actually, I hadn’t. I assumed she was straight based on what Marci had told me yesterday.

“Do you have any ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends who might be angry with you?” I amended.

“Nope, I don’t date anyone long enough to get serious.”

I was dying to ask more about that but forced myself to focus on my job instead.

“I’m going to ask the night shift to drive by a few times tonight and check on things,” I told her.

“Yeah. Okay.” Her voice clearly indicated that she wasn’t impressed with my offer.

I closed the distance between us and placed my hand on her arm. My palm tingled from the contact. Evie’s eyes widened and she looked confused, letting me know that she felt this attraction simmering between us as much as I did.

“Call me if anything else happens,” I ordered.

“Why? So you can write about it in your little notebook again?”

My girl had a mouth on her and damned if I didn’t like it.

“I mean it.”

She stepped back, her expression rebellious and stubborn.

“I’ve got to finish cleaning this up and I haven’t even had any coffee yet. You can show yourself out.”

And with that, she flounced towards the back of the store, leaving me staring at her shapely ass.

The next morning, I showed up just before ten, carrying two coffees. Amy at the Daily Grind had kindly shared what Evie’s favorite coffee was, even though I knew it would be all over town that I asked. But then again, maybe a little matchmaking would help me get my girl. She clearly didn’t like me. I was determined to change that and wasn’t above buttering her up with coffee to make some headway.

I headed into the store and found Evie sweeping up glass near a display case.

“What happened now?”

She jumped, so intent on her task she hadn’t heard me come up behind her. Turning, she gave me that annoyed look that made my dick take notice.

“What are you doing here?”