Page 82 of Step Bully

I was obsessed with Ash.

The last month had been a whirlwind, and it had started a pattern where we’d ignore each other for a while, then one of us would piss the other off, we’d fight, then fuck, then go right back to ignoring each other.

The sex was amazing, but we couldn’t keep going on like this.

It was driving me crazy.

I never knew how to feel when I was around him anymore. The dislike was still there, but it was joined by anticipation and desire, which just left me hella confused.

I wanted him to leave me alone, but I didn’t want him to stop touching me. I hated always feeling so off-kilter, especially since I was the only one who seemed to be affected by this situation.

“Any plans for Halloween?” Dec asked.

“Hide in my room and watch horror movies.”

“You hate horror movies.”

“That’s why I only watch them on Halloween.”

“You’re so weird.” He snorted into his mic. “What about this weekend? You should actually go out, you know. Be among people and do something.”

“Like what?”

“You’ve been talking with that Elle girl for a while. Has she invited you to hang out?”



“I know.”

I couldn’t keep complaining about spending all my time alone when I actively shot down attempts and offers to hang out. I knew this, but it was a hard habit to break.

“When was the last thing she invited you to?”

“A party tomorrow.”


“It’s a frat party. That’s so not my scene.”

“Have you been to a frat party?”


“Neither have I. We don’t really have fraternities or sororities like you do down there. I think my university only had, like, three of each.”

“It’s a whole culture here. One I’ve stayed away from.”

“I’m just saying maybe it would be worth saying yes to one of her offers. Go out and experience college. It’s your last year.”

I toyed with my phone, then pulled up my Insta thread with Elle.

Dec was right.

Hiding in my room was getting me nowhere, and Elle had made an effort to try to hang out with me.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.