Page 83 of Step Bully

Jules:the thing i had tomorrow fell thru party invite still there?

The green tick indicated she’d read the message, so I didn’t exit out but waited for her answer.

Elle:of course!!! yay I finally get to see u again!!!

I smiled. Elle loved exclamation points.

Jules:great! see u there

She sent back a kissy face, and I tossed my phone onto the bed beside me.

There. Now no one could say I wasn’t trying.

* * *

Why was I here?

Oh, right, because Dec told me to go out and experience college life. To act like a normal senior and not the nerd I was.

What did he know?

I looked around the crowded living room and took a sip from my Solo cup, trying not to grimace.

I hated the taste of beer. It was bitter and gross, and this stuff was warm, which made it that much worse. I should have gotten a mixed drink. I wasn’t exactly a fan of hard liquor either, but at least I could cover the taste with juice or soda.


“Hi, Elle.”

She bounded up to me and flung her arms around my shoulders, squeezing me against her tall frame in a crushing hug.

“Guess who’s here?” she stage-whispered next to my ear.

“Who?” I turned my face so I wasn’t talking into her breasts.

“Bentley.” She let me go but kept one arm over my shoulders. “He’s soooooooo dreamy.”

I glanced over toward the kitchen and caught sight of her crush.

He really was hot. Sandy blond hair, perfect bone structure, and a football player’s body that was encased in tight jeans and a salmon button-up that was expertly tailored to him.

“You have good taste.”

She giggled and swiped my cup out of my hand.

I let her drink it so I wouldn’t have to.

“I want to climb him like a tree.” She waved my cup in his direction.

“Don’t blame you.”

She giggled again and finished off my beer.

“But maybe you should put a pause on the beer and get some water.”

“Why?” She looked at me, her big brown eyes wide with innocent confusion.

“Because you’re drunk.”