Darin hurries after me, grabbing my arm. “Okay, I’ll stop.” He grumbles under his breath. “But that was hella fun. Why do you ruin things for me?”

Rolling my eyes, I set the gym bag on a chair, opening it and pulling out the boxers and jeans he brought for me to wear. I manage to get my boxers on just fine, but when I stick one leg through and try to balance on my other leg, but my gown starts falling off me, making me wobble. “I don’t care about your fun. I need to get the hell outta here and find Irelynn.”

Darin grabs me, shaking his head and cursing. “Dammit, Max, stop being in such a hurry. You’re gonna hurt yourself.” He grabs my gown and pulls it off.

And of course, it’s at that moment the nurse returns. Her brows furrow as she looks at us.

“I’m just trying to get dressed.” My feeble attempts at convincing her must be really lacking because she raises her hands and backs to the door she just walked through.

“No worries. I’ll come back in a few minutes.” She turns, opening the door, and I hear her mutter something, but I don’t comprehend it. Darin meets my gaze, shrugging.

I finish pulling my pants on. Thankfully, I don’t need any more assistance from Darin. I put on a long sleeve t-shirt, then pull my sweatshirt over my head.

Clearing my throat, I reach down and grab my sneakers, seeing the bloodstains on the fabric.

“Vanessa wanted to take those and try to get that out.” Darin’s voice is low. “But I told her not to worry about it.”

Shrugging, I carry them to the bed, setting them on the floor, then sitting on the bed to put them on. “They could be a lot worse.” I examine them as I tie my right shoe, then my left. “They are dark enough to hide most of it.”

Darin’s phone rings and he glances at the screen. “It’s Vanessa.” He answers, letting her know he’s with me and has her on speakerphone.

“Is Max getting discharged today?”

“Yup, we are waiting on the paperwork.” Darin’s eyes meet mine.

“Good. My friend Savannah is still digging. She may have something, but she doesn’t want to say until she’s sure.”

“Anything she finds, I’m happy to hear it.” Leaning over, I wince as I feel the stitches around my wound pull. I grab Irelynn’s cell phone, unplugging it from the charger. Vanessa was kind enough to buy me one since her charger was still in my apartment. I double-check that there aren’t any texts or messages on it, my heart squeezing inside my chest looking at our picture on her wallpaper.

Darin and Vanessa continue chatting, but I tune them out, holding her phone against my chest as I walk over to the window, staring out at the street below. My brow furrows and I tighten my fists, my feet planted wide, determination pushing my shoulders back.

As Darin ends the call, the nurse returns, my discharge forms in hand. Turning from the window, I walk over to her. She reviews my instructions once more and then says we are free to go.

Hoisting the duffle bag from the floor, I grab the paperwork from her hands, giving her a quick smile. “Thanks for everything.” Then I rush out the door, Darin hurrying after me.

We walk down the corridor to the elevator. Darin hits the button for the parking garage, and I cling tightly to the gym bag in my hand that still has the gun inside. We are damn lucky we didn’t have to go through security again. I’m not sure how he and Vanessa smuggled it in, but I’ll feel safer once we are in Darin’s Jeep.

The second the elevator doors open, I take off down the hallway, heading for the parking garage. “Max, slow down. You seem to be forgetting you were shot and nearly blown up nine days ago. Do you want to go back?”

I whirl around, my breaths heaving in and out of my lungs. “Of course, I don’t wanna go back. What I want is to get the hell out of here!” I step closer to him, seeing the worry pinching his forehead. My voice is low as I hiss, “You’re forgetting I have a gun in this bag. That’s what the hurry is.”

Darin’s face changes, his eyes widening slightly. “Oh yeah. I did forget about that. I left mine in the center console of my vehicle.” He maintains the same brisk pace as me as we hurry through the doors.

I breathe easier once we step through the automatic doors of the hospital, the cool October breeze lifting the hair from my sweaty brow. Inhaling deeply, I breathe in fresh air for the first time in nearly two weeks, admiring the beauty of nature and watching the sun dip lower on the horizon. The sky lights up in hues of deep red and purple.

Irelynn would be mesmerized by the magnificent colors of the sunset tonight.

“Here’s what I’m thinking.” Darin’s voice interrupts my thoughts, turning my attention briefly away from the woman I love with all my heart and soul. “We grab a quick bite to eat. Hopefully, Vanessa’s friend figures something out by then.”

My stomach rumbles when he mentions food. The hospital food wasn’t bad, but I’m really craving Chipotle. “Sounds good. I have a request.”

Darin grins. “Chipotle, right?”

“You’ve got it.” He presses the button to unlock his door as we reach his Jeep. I head to the passenger side, opening the door. My shoulder and chest wounds ache as I lean in, setting the duffel bag on the floor. As I climb into the seat, pain shoots through my legs and back. I suffered bruising and burns from the warehouse explosion and debris hitting me.

“I wish you’d let me help you more, Max. You’re so fucking stubborn.” Darin shakes his head, heading around to the driver’s side. He hops in, looking over at me before putting his key in the ignition. His sweatshirt sleeve has slid up from his movements and I spot the big bandage on his hand, covering the nasty burn he’d suffered.

“I’m fine, asshole. I’m just gonna be a little sore for a bit.” My teeth grit together from my frustration.