Darin shrugs, throwing his Jeep in reverse and backing out.

“Any news on Damian?”

He shakes his head. “I’m pissed that I didn’t suspect more was off with that guy.”

“You and me both.” I pull Irelynn’s cell phone from my pocket, looking at the time on the screen. 5:45 p.m. “I knew I didn’t like that fucker when we met him at the party. But I never would have guessed he was William’s half-brother.”

Darin shoots me a look, raising his brows. “That was a helluva shocker. William knows, right?”

“From what Damian said in the warehouse, William discovered that secret when he was a kid. Sounds like there is a huge sibling rivalry for Daddy’s money.” I let out a sigh. “And Damian has figured out Irelynn is William’s weakness.”

Darin’s hands clench into fists. “If either of them does anything to her…”

I let out a growl. “I’ll fucking torture the fuck out of those bastards, then kill them.”

“And I’ll help you.” Darin’s gaze meets mine. “You better fucking propose to Irelynn when you get her back.”

I can’t help the wide smile that pulls up my lips. “I was dreaming about proposing to her, even before the accident.” Staring out of his windshield, I muse aloud. “I wonder if she’d think it was too soon if I proposed to her in December? Maybe Christmas Eve?”

“That sounds epic, man. She’ll love it.” His voice is low and cracks slightly.

Turning my head to his, I furrow my brows, giving him a blast of shit like he does me. “Are you crying, jackass?”

Darin blinks, laughing and punching me lightly in the leg, chuckling. “Shut up, fucker. No, I’m not crying.”

Darin pulls into the parking lot of Chipotle. He hurriedly parks, pulling his key from the ignition. We head to the entrance, and Darin grabs the door, swinging it open.

“We’re getting this to go, right?” I say as I step through the door.

“Yup. In case Vanessa calls with info. That way, we don’t have to worry about anyone overhearing anything.”

“Good plan.”

After ordering and Darin insisting on paying, we take our food to his vehicle. Once inside, Darin has barely handed me mine before I’m tearing off the lid and inhaling the first bite.

“God, this tastes fucking amazing,” I say with a mouthful of food.

He raises his brows. “I’m just glad to see you eating like a starving dog again.”

I chuckle, barely looking at him as I continue shoveling the food into my mouth.

We are nearly finished with our food when Darin’s phone rings. He looks at the screen, then holds it out for me. Nodding, I shovel a huge bite of food into my mouth, finishing up, as he answers.

Vanessa doesn’t waste any time. “Hey, guys. Savannah has dug up some info.”

I quickly swallow and take a huge drink of water. “Hit me.”

“Gregory Anderson is sick with lung cancer. From what we’ve determined, that is the reason William returned to Lockwood. His dad still lives in his mansion in Heritage Hills. He’s been undergoing treatments, but it’s pretty advanced. And that’s likely why Damian is trying to capitalize.” We hear her clicking on her keyboard. “I’ve been making notes… ah… here we go. So, William went to Stanford. Made the track team and was the superstar. Note, the guy can run extremely fast, so that’s an advantage for him. He can run a mile in four minutes and two seconds.” She pauses. “He had a pretty ritzy apartment for himself. Owned a smaller, yet really nice one that Bryan Whitfield and his mom, Emma Whitfield, resided in. William leased it to them for super cheap. Emma was also a cook and housekeeper for William.”

I tune her out for a second, my dream flashing through my memory.

Emma and Bryan. Those were the people who arrived after I shot William.

Shaking my head, I tune back into the conversation.

“Another interesting tidbit. William nearly got kicked off the track team for beating a guy and was sent to therapy. From the rumor mill that Savannah was able to tap into, William was screwing his therapist. Apparently, a couple of her colleagues heard and saw some inappropriate behavior between them. But that didn’t stop it. William paid them to keep their mouths shut.” She pauses for dramatic effect. “Until he suddenly ended things with her. Apparently, the therapist flew into a rage, cursing him and throwing things. They thought they were going to have to call the university police on her. William just left without a backward glance… But months later, he was spotted with a beautiful, brown-haired girl. He tried to keep things on the down-low with her, but they were spotted at clubs, restaurants, the beach, and other places away from campus.” We hear her rifling around. “I have some pictures of her I can send you. But the rumor is, and from the photos Savannah found, William looked quite smitten with this girl. Which explains why he left Irelynn completely alone for over three years.”

Darin and I exchange a glance. “What happened to the girl?”