We’ve all got communicators so we can hear them as they give instructions, and communicate with each other too.

We’ve got it covered. We just have to get in now.

Gibbs is going to give us the go ahead when the coast is clear. When he does we have to be ready to move.

I’m watching the two guards outside the factory. When Gibbs gives the signal our snipers will clear them out of the way.

“Now guys,” Gibbs says. his voice sends ripple of awareness through me that only increases when the snippers take their shots and the men at the door go down without a sound.

It’s time to move and move we do. Shit’s about to get real.

We head for the side entrance which is already open.

“Keep going straight ahead and stop at the door,” Gibbs urges. “The guards just went up the stairs. Lilly and the Rosie are in the main section. Miguel is with them.”

We keep running and get to the door. That’s when I see them. Lilly huddled over in the corner with Rosie. Miguel is on the phone, unknowing he’s about to have the fight of his life.

The majority of his guards are in here. I can see seven of them and the fucker would the hooded shirt. Three guards are on the upper deck and four surrounding Miguel. All have guns.

Georgiou is supposed to get Lilly and Rosie out while Claudius and his men cover him to make sure they don’t get hit. That’s why our part of the crew is the strongest.

“Good luck guys, over to you,” Gibbs says and the communicators crackle signaling we’re on our own now.

“On my word,” Vincent says to us.

I watch him waiting for the right moment.

I’m ready to move the second he says, “now,” and shoots the phone out of Miguel’s hand.

We storm in and Lilly bolt’s upright eyes wide with the shock of seeing me. I know she thought I’d never come. But that’s my fault. I just hope this won’t be the last time I see her.

Bullets fly and the place becomes a war zone.

When Georgiou and Claudius head over to Lilly and Rosie with the men I switch my focus on what’s before me. The first person I kill is the guy with the hooded sweatshirt. He was about to open fire on me but he wasn’t quick enough. One bullet smack between the eyes and he was on the ground. That was for Kirk.

Three motherfuckers come for me opening fire on my ass next.

I end one while Salvatore ends another. Vincent is too busy with another two who’ve come through the side door.

I look to Miguel who’s already coming for me.

“Get him and I’ll take care of these guys,” Salvatore shouts.

I move to Miguel too.

From the corner of the room the rest of our men pour in but so does his.

Like an animal Miguel bounds toward me and I do the same. He’s got two guns. I have two guns and a long reach knife I hope to use on his throat.

He fires two bullets at me but I dodge them. I give him the surprise of his life when I push forward like I’m going to lunge at him then almost double back on myself. It throws him off just like I preempted and that allows me to send a bullet to his stomach.

I hoped that would at end him but it doesn’t.

“You asshole. You couldn’t leave well enough alone could you!” he bellows.

I send a kick to his chest and he staggers backwards.

He’s stronger than he looks. Faster too. It was my mistake for underestimating him. I won’t make that mistake again.