He sends a series of punches my way and tries to get an opening to shoot me. But, I give as much as I get, throwing back punches blow for blow.

He kicks to my midsection and it knocks me down.

I dodge the bullet he was going to send to my head but I notice Lilly is in the corner still. Rosie isn’t so I assume Georgiou would have taken her and Claudius covered his back.

There are seven bulky men armed with some heavy artillery fighting with the three capos of Claudius’ crew. Lilly has her hands on her head cowering trying to protect herself.

Miguel sees me looking at her and snarls.

“I see you Giordano. You won’t have my wife. If I can’t have her she won’t belong to anyone else,” he declares.

Terror races through me when I see the motherfucker running past me, heading toward Lilly, gun raised ready to kill her.

Adrenaline blasts me forward and I push with everything inside me to go after him.

I throw myself through the air and land on him, knocking him to the ground but the fucker is holding on to his gun for dear life with the mission to kill my girl. I can’t even tell her to run. There’s too much fighting. Too many bullets in the air.

It’s too dangerous.

Like a beast Miguel kicks at me, but I hold him down, trying to hurt him where I shot him. He howls with pain but he’s still able to fight me. we end up rolling around on the ground in a heap of fists and bullets flying.

What I don’t like now is that we’re too close to Lilly. Far too close.

This fucker has to go down.

There’s only one thing I can think to do.

I need to get a clearing, but that leaves me open.

I release him to his surprise and move forward toward her.

I turn just as he fires the shot meant for her. It would have gotten her too it I didn’t throw myself in the way and take it.

It hit me in my chest and the pain that crushed me is enough to end me but I need to end him first.

I fire the bullet from my gun and make sure I get him in the head.

As I do Miguel flies backwards to the ground.

I’m sure he’s dead.

I think I will be too.

Lily screams and I can feel her hands on me but I lose focus.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


I cried all the way to the hospital and right through his surgery, my soul weeping, holding to hope.

The doctors managed to get the bullet out but because it was near Christian’s heart he’s not out of the woods yet. And he’s in a coma.

Christian’s in a coma and attached to all sorts of tubes and life support.

A week passes and then another.

I hardly leave his side. Vera takes care of Rosie in the days while I go to the hospital to stay with Christian. I’m here first thing in the morning and last at night.