He shakes his head, and his eyes become glassy. “No.”


His gaze clings to mine. “You can’t be with me, Ava. You don’t belong in my world, and I can’t run away from who I am. It will follow me wherever I go. I’ll still be the beast. I’ll still be the monster in the darkness. When you kiss me, I won’t turn into a prince.”

Tears runs down my cheeks. “I know what your life involves. I know all too well what can happen, but I still want to be with you.”

“I know better than to drag you into a life full of danger when I can put a stop to it now. I can’t sit here and pretend that I will always be there to protect you. I can’t. I can’t put you in a position where I could lose you and there’d be nothing I’d be able to do about it.”

“That’s not fair.”

“It is.”


“No, Ava… no.”


“I love you…” His words cut off mine.

Love me… His words imprint to my soul and are the last things to break down that wall. Love. Love from a man I love too. Love from a man who knows my past, knows what happened to me, and still loves me.

“Ava… I love you enough to let you go, and let you live,” he adds, and my being shivers. I don’t want him to let me go.

“I love you too.” I’ve never said those words to anyone except my parents. I’ve always dreamed of saying them to the right person, and I am. I’m telling the person who should hear them, but he’s telling me he can’t be with me.

“Then allow me to do this for you. Allow me to take care of you and do the right thing. You’re free now. Free to go and… free of me.” He blows out a ragged breath, leans forward, and plants a chaste kiss on my forehead.

When he lets go of my hand, my heart breaks in two.

One last look, and he walks away. I watch him walk out the door and turn the corner. I don’t see him anymore.

The tears fall now like pieces of my soul weeping.

Chapter Forty-Six


Two months later…

Pa sits at the head of the table. We’re at the family home, and everyone is here.

All the men and their wives.

My father sits with my mother, then there are all my uncles with their wives to his left, and at the right of the table, it curves to seat Georgiou and his wife. I look at my brothers for a moment, just to focus and think about how far they’ve all come.

Nick and Mia, Gabe and Charlotte, Salvatore and Mimi.

My brothers have been men for a very long time now, but it’s now that they look all grown up to me. We’re here, and they look happy. They look happy with their dolls, as they should be.

Christian is sitting next to me and sees me looking. It’s probably clear what I’m thinking about. He gives me a curt nod, and I do the same. We’re the only single guys at the table.

This is a rare day to get everyone together like this. The last time it happened in a similar fashion was when Pa announced the restructure. That was the meeting room. We’re in the dining room now, sharing one last meal with my parents before they leave tomorrow.

It’s been a good day, and I’m still trying to keep the mask on that I’m fine.

I’m ready now to take over. I got myself there, to that point where I can look at the big picture and know I can do it. It’s a job, and I’ll give it my all to be in charge of the family and the business.