Jude tries to go after him but he drops to the ground.

I rush to the corridor I’m on and take the metal stairs three at a time to get to the level he’s on.

When he sees me coming he tries to back away but I got him good.

Just this morning I told Olivia to aim the head. That’s how we’re all trained for survival.

Aim for the head. I aimed for his chest, right near his heart where Maksim got shot.

That is what you do when you want your victim to die slower, or when you have more punishment to dole out. Like what I have in mind.

“That was for Maksim,” I begin and he looked stunned at the sight of the blood gushing from his chest.

I walk up to him and shoot his thigh the way I did his guard the other week. I just want him to stop moving so he can pay attention to me. Jude howls with pain and the sound bounces off the walls. I crouch down and stare him in the eyes.

“That was for this pissing contest. Obviously, my dick is bigger than yours.”

At the mention of dick I shoot his next and the sound pouring from him is like a wounded animal in the jungle that’s just been caught in a trap.

“That was Gabriella and Olivia. A real man does not have to rape a woman. If she begs you to stop, you fucking stop, and you don’t take or fucking keep pictures of little girls on your computer, you fucking pervert.” I shot him again and his body goes limp. “You will never do that to anybody’s child ever again, and you won’t get the chance to touch my girl either, ever.”

“Yours?” his voice is barely audible as his head flops on to the ground.


I fire another shot in his heart, and I’m glad he’s still alive to feel the pain. “That is for taking my son.”

One last bullet leaves my gun and it lodges in his head. “That is for Ilya. The last man I could call father.”

He’s dead now, he probably died moments after the bullet to his heart buit I keep going until I empty my gun.

One shot after another pours into Jude’s head until all that’s left is a pulverized mess.

It was like everything I’d been through for the last nine years was put into my revenge.

I’m still worked up and I could have kept going but the sound of a child whimpering makes me lift my head.

It’s then I realize it’s my child. The son I searched for, for so long and spent every waking hour thinking about.

He ran to the door but it’s closed and he’s hunched in the corner crying.

I leave Jude and go over to him.

Crouching down again, I reach for him and it means everything when he comes to me and wraps little arms around my neck.

In my mind I remember holding him that night, hours before I lost him.

Now I have him again.

“It’s okay son. You’re safe with me. I’m your father and I will always, always take care of you.”

We pull apart and I stare at him.

“You understand me?”

“I do.”

Another explosion echoes from beneath us and fire billows up once more, bigger and hotter. So fucking hot my hair singes.