“Guys the place is gonna blow,” Eric says in a hurried, panic-stricken voice. “The first explosion took out the safety on the gas chambers and the fire is spreading. I’m unlocking the door beside you. Get out of there now,”

I grab Aleksei’s hand as the door clicks open and we rush outside on to a metal fire escape.

When it starts shaking, I pick him up and run with him. it was a good thing I did that because just then a massive explosion knocks us of the stairs and sends us flying through the air.

All I can do is hold Aleksei as he screams and cover him from the flames that chase us.

I hold him tight so when we land I take the horrendous impact and he’s on top of me.

My fucking body feels shattered, but I check him to make sure he’s okay.

“Are you hurt?”

“Just my arm but I’m okay.”

I look up at the flames pouring through the blown out wall. Jesus, had he fallen from so high he’d be dead.

As I watch the flames spreading over the building I think of Olivia and grab Aleksei.

“Let’s go.”

I have to get him to safety then either check with the others she got out, or back in for her. We’re at the very back of the building so we run around the corner that should lead us to the front where I first entered.

We move, racing against the ever growing fire.

I can hear Dominic or Eric trying to talk to me through the receiver but my earpiece must have been damaged in the fall.

When we get to the side of the building I see Massimo and Eric. There are some of the men there too. No sign of Olivia though.

“Where’s Olivia?” I shout.

“She’s still in the building,” Eric replies.

Massimo opens his mouth to speak but another explosion steals his next words. the impact is so intense it knocks us off our feet.

I look back in horror as sections of the building starts collapsing and fire consumes it. I know fire like that. It’s scorching and infernal. Designed to kill.

Kill whoever gets trapped inside.

Olivia’s in there. This can’t be happening to me again.

“Jesus Christ,” Massimo says.

“Take my son, Massimo,” I say. “I’m going back in.”

“Aiden you can’t.”

“Don’t you dare say that to me.”

“I’m coming with you,” Eric cuts in.

“No. just me. I’m not risking both of us. She wouldn’t want you to, after she’s been through much to save you.”

That’s shuts him up. the only person I look at is Aleksei.

“I will be back. I promise.” And that promise means I have to come back.

He nods and lets go of my hand.