Page 23 of Miss Chief


Once in the parking lot, and back in my own car, I took a moment to let the strangest day in history sink in. What were the chances? I was never supposed to have seen Lucas again, let alone work with him at his practice. I should’ve taken serious issue at the way he’d ambushed me with this interview, but after he’d been honest about his desperation and his agenda to make a success of his model of in-home care, I couldn’t be mad.

The truth of the matter was this job served my purposes as well as his.

I could do professional. It was only six short weeks. I’d be able to practice medicine while searching for a long-term job. Working with a man I’d once slept with and who, if I was being honest, was still attracted to wasn’t ideal. But it wasn’t as if we’d be spending a lot of time together after the first two days.

The next morning I showed up bright and early at the clinic to find Lucas waiting for me at the front desk.

Dressed in black slacks and a white button-down shirt, he resembled an actor from a hospital television drama rather than a real-life doctor. “You seem to be in a good mood.”

“I am.” I’d spent a terrific evening with Caleb, Daisy, and the baby and remembered what it was like to be with family who were genuinely loving and fun to be around. It had been just what I’d needed to recharge my soul.

“Ready for a tour?” he asked.

“Sure. Would love one.”

He glanced over, flashing a sexy grin as he led me down the hall. And of course, he smelled divine. Dammit, I wouldn’t allow myself to be distracted, and risk my reputation up here in LA by sleeping with a colleague. Although that cat was technically already out of the bag.

“How often will I be in the office?” I tried to keep my voice steady despite my erratic thoughts.

“You’ll have two full days in the office and spend three making house calls.”

“And you?” I hoped it only came across as curious. “Do you ever see any patients in the office?”

“Not if I can help it. I come in for administrative purposes and to resupply, but I prefer to be on the road most days.”

“Where are most of the patients located?”

“Mostly Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Los Angeles, but there are a few outliers. Ramona tries to schedule addresses as close together as she can, so you aren’t driving from Hollywood to Beverly Hills only to fight through traffic to go back again.”

Made sense. I fixed a welcoming smile when another doctor came strolling toward us, but I noticed the way Lucas stiffened beside me. Being this attuned to his body was annoying.

Despite his obvious unease, he made the introduction. “Dr. Brooke Morrison, this is Dr. Neil Simmons, the other obstetrician in the practice.”

The man appeared to be in his fifties. He was well-groomed with a meticulous combover and a California tan covered his weathered skin. “You’re the new doctor filling in?” He didn’t bother to hide the fact he was checking me out from head to toe.

It was tempting to remind him where my face was, but I settled with, “Yes, I’m the new doctor.”

“Was unaware we were trying to make our practice look more like the Hollywood patients we see. People are bound to start assuming we’re a plastic surgery practice with you and Doc Hollywood here representing us.”

What a dick. But while my thoughts stayed internal, Lucas’ did not. “Don’t worry, Neil. We have your photo on the website to ensure they don’t get the wrong impression. If you’ll excuse us, I have more of the tour to give.”

Neil turned red at the dismissal and glared at both of us as we walked away. Lucas proceeded to lead me into a large, bright room lined with full shelves of medical products. “Here is where you load up on supplies. Don’t worry, Meredith has a list of what she takes on her calls and Ramona, the receptionist, can order anything you don’t see here.”

Guess we weren’t discussing the asshole, Dr. Simmons. “What about sonogram equipment?”

“You’ll have a portable sonogram and heart rate monitor. It’s an expensive piece of equipment, so fair warning not to leave it in your car overnight. Just in case.”

Probably a good practice to bring everything in at night.

After the tour, we were ready to head out for the day. Once we were both buckled in Lucas’ Audi SUV, he pulled out an iPad, but instead of starting to explain its function, he paused. “Dr. Simmons is an asshole. I’m told he’s a good doctor, which is what matters most, but don’t take anything he says personally.”

“You think this is the first time I’ve been dismissed as a doctor because of the way I look?”

His eyes locked on mine, the intensity making me swallow hard. “Is that why you didn’t introduce yourself as one when we met?”

If Nurse Leslie hadn’t called out my name in the lobby of the hotel, I never would’ve disclosed my profession. “No. But being a doctor comes with responsibility, and I didn’t want to be responsible last Saturday night.”