Page 22 of Miss Chief

She rolled her eyes and leveled a glare my direction. “Gee, all that medical school to catch a man, and you go spoil my grand plan.”

“I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Then stop with the reminders. This is about my career, something I take seriously.”

“As you should. And again, I apologize for dropping this on you and making you feel uncomfortable. In hindsight, I should’ve at least picked up the phone and told you the situation.”

She sighed. “Doing house calls is important to you?”

“Very.” I hoped Dr. Marshall would soon see the value in it all and let me head up an entire department devoted to in-home care.

She sighed. “Tell me more about the position. Describe a typical day.”

My grin couldn’t be helped. She wanted to learn more. And at the end of my spiel, she was still sitting at the table which had to be a positive sign. “Any other questions?” I finished.

“No, I believe I’ve asked them all.”

“Will you stay?” I held my breath, hoping like hell the answer was yes.

She could’ve punished me by drawing it out but chose not to. “Yes. I’ll do the six weeks.”

“I can’t tell you how relieved I am. I wasn’t sure if you’d be interested in coming to LA, or what kind of notice you gave your last practice.”

She sighed out loud. “I attempted to give sixty days to transition my patients, but when I went into the office on Monday, my mother locked me out.”

It was the most unprofessional thing I’d ever heard, but mostly I hated the veiled hurt in her voice. “I’m sorry. Family sucks sometimes.”

“Yes, it does.”

“I take it you don’t want Dr. Marshall calling down to ask her for a reference?”

“Understatement. I told him she’d be biased and gave him another reference instead.”

“Smart. And so long as there’s no expectation of any repeats of Saturday, this could work out.” It was a cocky thing to say, but she laughed.

“Hadn’t even crossed my mind.”

Damn. Not only did my ego take the shot, but I found myself hard pressed to say the same.