Page 83 of Code of Courage

The goons across the street had started their anti-police chant when she returned to tell Matt about their car. Danni felt angry enough to rush over there and confront them. But before she could take a step, she heard Natasha take up a defense of the police. When the back-and-forth between the residents and the goons began, Danni could only listen in stunned silence.

When the residents in sound and number outclassed the goons, and the troublemakers faded away, Danni looked at Matt, who smiled. She smiled back, then chuckled, then laughed outright, until a fit of coughing stopped her.

Matt walked over to the group of residents; Danni guessed he wanted to thank them.

“Are you okay?” It was Gabe. He’d reappeared.

“Yeah, I am. Did you hear what was said?”

He grinned. “I did. Natasha started it.”

“She is a tough cookie.”

“I thought you guys were leaving.”

“Can’t. Someone destroyed our plain car.”

“Did you park on Nineteenth?”


Gabe brought a hand to his mouth. “I’ve seen so much today I should have put a stop to. I saw them when I arrived here. I didn’t realize it was a city car. They were wearing masks. But I did see an SUV. I think it was Jareb Moore. He paid them off.”

“I really want to have a talk with him.”

“You and me both,” Gabe said.

“By the way, what was your unrelated issue? It doesn’t look like you’re on the clock.”

“I’m not. I took a personal day. I had to talk to someone who lives here in connection to a cold case.” He sighed, his gaze warm. For a second Danni felt like he was going to step forward and take her hand, but he didn’t.

Some commotion erupted on Eighteenth Street and interrupted the moment. Both Gabe and Danni looked toward the street as a black-and-white pulled up, followed by a plain car. Two uniformed officers got out and one walked back to the plain car.

“Command officers,” Danni said when she saw the uniforms.

“Looks like two deputy chiefs,” Gabe said.

When the door to the plain car was open, out stepped the mayor, Elise White. Two of her plainclothes security detail were also with her.

Gabe whistled. “What is she doing here?”

As White approached, Danni recognized the uniformed officers. One was Don March, the watch commander, and the other was acting Chief Raven. White scanned the area, saw Danni, and made a beeline for her.

Gabe was next to her, but White ignored him.

“Detective Grace, do you or your partner want to tell me exactly what you were doing here today? Lieutenant March informed me you were inside apartment 6.”

“Collecting evidence for a case.” Danni pointed to the melted evidence bag.

“And burning down an apartment building in the process?”

“Hang on.” Gabe spoke up. “Danni didn’t set the fire. Someone tried to burn her and Matt alive.”

White turned a disdainful look on Gabe. “And you are?”

“Investigator Gabriel Fox, prosecutor’s office. I was here on a separate case.”

Fury raged through Danni. “We were almost killed; my partner is injured. How dare you accuse us of starting the fire.”

“Detective Grace, you will not address the mayor in that fashion,” acting Chief Raven said.

White gave a wave of her hand. “The truth is, you were not authorized to be here. And if you weren’t here at this time, no one would have felt the need to start a fire. Your presence created the problem. I will see to it that you are dealt the firmest discipline for ignoring the rules concerning Barton Plaza.” Dismissing Danni, White scanned the area as if looking for someone and turned on her heel to return to her car.

Danni was speechless.

“I want you and your partner in my office first thing in the morning,” acting Chief Raven said before turning to follow White.