Page 84 of Code of Courage


Gabe watched White and the acting chief leave. “Crazy times,” he said, amazed and bewildered anyone could suggest what White had proposed. “I can’t believe I just heard what she said. Basically, according to Mayor White, you were responsible for the fire that almost killed you?”

Anxiety over how close he came to losing Danni for good stirred up a wave of protectiveness. The struggle between faith and unbelief still smoldered inside him.

When the mayor’s car was out of sight, he turned to Danni. “What did she mean you weren’t authorized to be here? Isn’t the shooting still your case?”

“Our visit to the apartment wasn’t planned; it was spur-of-the-moment.” Her voice was still a little hoarse from breathing in smoke, Gabe thought.

She took a sip from a water bottle and continued. “We drove by the station and saw Jareb Moore there, orchestrating the protest, so we decided it would be a good time to check outtheapartment. I didn’t think he could be two places at once.”

“Good guess.” It was so Danni, thinking outside the box.

“Then we found a mattress soaked with blood. Like I said, we think Hobbs died in there. We called for an evidence team and got chewed out for being here without authorization.”

Gabe shook his head. “Where’d you find the gun?”

“Hidden in the wall in the bathroom.”

“How long do you think you were in there?”

“I don’t know—fifteen, twenty minutes.” She nodded toward her partner, who was now chatting with a couple of firefighters. “Matt made a video on his phone. Why?”

Gabe felt anger rising. “Enough time for someone to make a phone call and set something up?”

“Set us up to burn to death?” Danni held his gaze, clear-eyed. Gabe knew her mind was working. No fear, anger maybe and the spark Gabe remembered. Guilt rolled over him in a wave.

“Those guys I saw outside the apartment.” He shook his head and kicked the ground. “I should have confronted them.”

“Don’t beat yourself up, Gabe. You couldn’t have known.”

“Known what, that the mayor would come and make a scene?” Matt asked as he sauntered up. “Politicians love their scenes.”

“You could have backed me up,” Danni said.

“Sorry, it happened so fast. I was talking to the firefighters. City hall likes them. I wanted to feel what it was like to be around people who aren’t treated like redheaded stepchildren. It’s kind of refreshing. I watched the mayor. She wasn’t mad at the fire-eaters.”

“She was mad at us,” Danni said. “We’re in trouble for causing this fire.”

Matt flashed a sardonic smile. “If you have to blame someone, blame the cops, right?”

“According to Mayor White.”

Another city vehicle pulled up. Gabe recognized the team of homicide investigators, Ponce and Fellows. They were young guys, newer to the unit than Danni. They nodded to him and took Danni and Matt aside for statements.

Gabe hung around, still looking for Curtis and wondering if he’d ever find him again. When Ponce and Fellows were finished with Matt and Danni, they asked Gabe for the description of the man he saw at the apartment door. Then they walked toward the smoldering apartment building to continue their investigation.

“Gabe,” Danni said.

He turned to face her.

“I’ve run out of gas. Extremely tired, and we’re done here. Can you give us a ride back to the station?”

“Sure, not a problem.”

“Can you take me to the ER?” Matt asked. “My wife will pick me up from there.”

“You got it.”