Page 109 of Code of Courage

In records he found a clerk who could make a couple of digital copies of the tape for him. As he watched the man work, he thought about Danni and the warrant service on Moore’s place. He also wondered about Lenny. If he’d been kidnapped, wouldn’t White be pulling out all the stops to get him back safe? How would she go about it? From all he’d seen, she distrusted the police. Would she try to deal with the kidnappers on her own?

Once the tape was copied, the clerk gave Gabe back the original tape and the digital copies on flash drives. Gabe then hurried back to the chief’s office, hoping Raven and Gomez had decided on a course of action.


Danni pulled up a map of the compound on the laptop and looked over it with Marrs. The tiny house compound had been a controversial project. Local residents and police were worried that proper vetting would not occur. While some of the homeless population were simply in a bad place temporarily, many were people with drug or mental issues. If for some reason too many with problems were living close together in a group situation, it was a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately, many people’s fears were borne out. Before the riots the compound had been a hotbed for overdoses and assaults. She wondered what it looked like now since the police had been pulled away.

The area was one long block. Eighteen houses, nine on one side, nine on the other, with a central courtyard. People couldn’t drive in; only emergency vehicles were allowed in. The designers had built it for foot traffic only.

The address Hobbs had listed was on the flood control side and four houses in. Technically all residents had to be approved by the nonprofit that built the compound. However, Danni had heard rumors that this was not happening long before the riots.

Though she didn’t plan on storming the house, she wanted to know who was in there, so she took Gabe’s advice and requested backup. Yen, Mel, and a second team of officers responded.

Danni sent the second team to the flood control to take a position behind number4. “Yen, you and Mel are with us. Right now, it’s a knock and talk, so if no one wants to talk, we’ll back off and get a warrant.”

The backup unit started for the flood control. Danni and Marrs suited up with their ballistic vests simply as a precaution.

As they entered the compound, there were a couple of men sitting at one of the tables in the courtyard. One of them caught Danni’s eye.

“You here about the fight?”

Danni thought for a second, then said, “Yeah, what can you tell me about it?”

“Keep your mouth shut, Revo,” the other one said.

Revo shot his friend a glare. “No, I won’t. The guy hit a kid. That’s not cool. He’s not even supposed to be here.”

The other man got up to leave. “It’s your funeral. I don’t want no part of it.”

Marrs looked at Revo. “What can you tell us?”

“There are three guys in number 4. That’s a violation. One person per home. One’s a kid. I think they are perverts. It is so wrong.”

“You said the kid got hit?” Marrs asked.

“Yeah, I think he wanted out. They hit him.”

“You saw it?” Danni asked.

“I heard it. I stay in number5.”

“When did this happen?”

“Not long ago. I was gonna knock on the door when one of the guys stepped out. He called me nosy for being so close to the house and smacked me.” Revo pointed to a red mark on his face. “People are scared.”

“Did anyone call 911?” Marrs asked.

He grinned lopsidedly. “Hey, One Time don’t come here no more. I’m surprised to see you all.”

“They still in there?”

“Yeah, the kid is. I walked by a little while ago and heard crying.”

“Thanks, Revo.” Danni stepped away and looked at Marrs. “I think we have exigent circumstances.”

He nodded in agreement, and Danni looked toward unit four, wondering what was going on.